Question My PSU powerfull enought ?


Jul 24, 2018
Hi all.At the moment i got a i5 4590 4 core processor with a Gtx 1070,16 gb ram,1 tb hard drive and a 500 watt cooler master psu only the gpu is clocked a bit .I'm thinking at the future to upgrade to a Ryzen 2600x or maybe the new ryzen 3000 idk.So my question is should i upgrade my psu as well because right now when i play bf v everything on low i get 70-80 fps in intense fights go down to 30 fps.I'm wondering if my psu is causing this problem or my cpu is just hardly bottlenecking my gpu ?
What is the exact model of your power supply? how many years has it been in use?
To be honest your CPU is not the most powerful out there, you are pairing it with a 1070 so you can see some bottleneck in some games.
And your PSU can also affect that for not giving enough power to CPU/GPU
Yes. Upgrade psu. You said 500w. There are No good 500w psus, they simply don't exist. A solid 550w like Evga G2, Corsair RMx, Seasonic Focus, Antec Earthwatts Gold would be a far better investment. Recommended psu on a gtx1070 is 550w anyways, so swapping to a slightly more needy cpu, plus the opportunity for 20%? increased performance with OC would be advised.

I've never seen any case with a reliable stock psu included. If you figure a good psu is $50+ and your case/psu was that or less, the freebie is going to be under bottom shelf variety, literally the $10psu variety.
Ok i will definitelly gonna to upgrade it can you recomment good brands im tinking 600 watt there is a good deal for corsair cx 600 if i get the ryzen 2600x as well ?
Oh no. Not gigabyte psu.

And take that list with a grain of salt. It's a guide only, and is man made, so does have some errors.

For psus, many use the odd/even system. To start. 400/500/600/700 = not for gaming use. 450/550/650/750 = gaming use. From there, it's a matter of which model is better and still affordable. But you have to go by the model, not the watts. An Evga B2 750w is a much better psu than the B3 for instance. The Corsair CX/M series with black/silver sticker is far superior to the Corsair CX/M with the colored bubbly/blocky lettering, which is 10 years old.

Most decent 550w/650w will be good, it's a matter of finding decent model for acceptable price.
Nice i will pick it up the next question is to make it work with my pc with all those cables XD

P.C I know this is off topic but should i wait for the ryzen 2 gen or should i upgrade to 2600x ?