Question My RAM read only 300mb, how do i fix this?

Sep 22, 2020
When I overclocked my 8gb ddr3 1333mhz ram, when i open it again it show black screen but after 20mins maybe, it show the windows but it so lag, it hard to move the crosser of the mouse, then i try to check the task manager, it show that my ram was only 300mb and that cause the black screen in startup and the lag. Do i need to replace the ram? Or there is a solution for this? Please help me, i need my computer for my school works.
That's a strange one.... Never seen that kind of outcome before.
Load into the BIOS and undo your overclock. That should put you back to where you started.
How do i undo the overclocked? I try to reset the cmois in battery method. And i also try to restore the backup that i save.
You would just 'undo' whatever changes you made to enable to overclock in the first place?

Pulling the CMOS battery for 10 mins should load defaults for the BIOS - which may reset more than the RAM OC you did.
I can't open the app where i overclock my ram, even the other app i cant open due my ram was 300 mb only, should i replace it? If i replace my ram it wouldn't be overclock again? Or i need to reinstall my pc?