Need a little help


Jun 15, 2009
Okay guys my parents gpu went in my old gateway. The gpu was ati radeon 9700 pro.
Its an agp card so i need a compatible agp graphic card. The problem relies in my psu. I need to find a compatible gpu card that can work with my psu. My psu is
newton power ltd nps-250hb a. The thing is i dont know how many watts my psu is and whats compatible. So can you guys please give me a list of compatiable gpu's on newegg that can work with my psu.

Other thoughts: I prefer buying parts off of newegg.

Thank you

Cmichael138, thank you but my old gpu had a four pin connecter and this new one has a six pin connecter. How would i hook it up and how do you know it should work.

Ah I see.

It's still a molex I believe. Your best bet is probably to do a search on it, even if they are not on general sale you'll be able to pick up a 4-pin to that on ebay I'd assume.

Take out the power connector to your floppy drive and plug it into the graphics card. If you don't have a floppy drive, you should still have a connector around. It should be a small white 4-pin female connector.
Okay i just checked i have a 4 pin EXTRA molex cable. So i dont have to take out my floppy :). Thanks Jenny you've been helpful and i just hope everything works.
The only things thats gonna be hard is that i didnt uninstall my gpu drivers before i took out the broken gpu that i cant plug in anymore because it dont work. So i got to figure a way to uninstall those drivers b4 i put in the new gpu. Can i put it in safe mode with the new gpu, then uninstall the old drivers ?
You can yes. If it doesn't like it then just boot it normally and install the ati drivers - that's assuming you were using an nvidia before, otherwise just boot it up normally.