Question Need advice/confirmation - problem with either SSD/HDD or Motherboard

Jan 21, 2023
I recently installed a new SSD and moved everything from my old HDD to my new SSD. At first it was fine, then suddenly they were both super slow.
I formatted my SSD, removed my HDD, and installed a brand new instance of Windows from a bootable USB flash drive, and it was still suffering from the same performance issues. However, if I boot from an external USB SSD it has 0 issues.
At this point, I'm quite sure that it's a hardware issue since the issue persists even on a new Windows isntance. However, I do not know if I need to replace my Motherboard or my HDD & SSD.
Both of my Disks we working fine initially, then suddenly the both of them slowed down at the same time. I've updated my BIOS, I've tried testing with multiple SATA cables (one of which is 2 weeks old), and tried in different SATA ports after cleaning them with an air canister, but the problem persists.
Does this seem like it is indeed a problem with my motherboard? Perhaps a physical problem?
What exactly is slow? Post a screenshot of CrystalDiskMark and CrystalDiskInfo.
Everything. Booting takes a really long time, then sometimes in the middle of doing things my PC will freeze, overall I can tell a drastic decrease in performance, opening many tabs in Chrome for example really slows it down and sometimes it stops responding.
Here is my task manager, System spikes randomly and takes up all of the Disk. However, this was the same when I reinstalled a fresh instance of Windows on a separate disk.
Here is the performance tab in task manager, my PC usually hangs around this high or is just stuck at 100%.
Here are the results of CrystalDiskInfo. To be quite honest I'm not exactly sure what to look out for, but it seems like my hard disk is working OK.
what do you mean exactly?
are applications hanging, keystrokes and mouse movements lagging, file placement taking consideral amount of time, etc..?

disks being slow at transferring files and your OS operating at a slow or "lagging" pace are two totally different things.
Booting, opening applications, sometimes keystrokes for functions like ctrl + c/ctrl + v wont register at all, even opening file explorer can take a few seconds and it's like I can see it loading in front of me slowly like rolling text (I'm sorry if that's vague). Sometimes all applications or just windows in general is stuck on not responding and I can't even alt + tab out of things and if I hover over the taskbar it's just a loading icon. When I do finally boot, I can see it slowly loading my desktop.
Again, I've formatted a completely different SSD and reinstalled Windows on it and the problem was the same there.
These issues come in waves, but it's more often slow than it is usable, and it can depend on how many things I have open.
I know empirically that's what it says, but I can assure you it is running super slow. If I have a few things open it is glacially slow and non responsive.
This is the result when I just open steam.
I've ran some SMART tests on my disk and it seems like it's working fine from what I can tell, so all I can guess is that it's my motherboard.
In 2023, an HDD is slow compared to an SSD. Just switch to the SSD, what's the problem?
I have the same problem on both of the drives.
I installed my new SSD and moved everything over to it and removed my HDD. I partitioned my SSD so I can dual boot with ubuntu. Then, my SSD was running super slow out of no where. I swapped it out with my HDD and then that had somehow been affected too. Now both are super slow.
Reinstalled both Ubuntu and Windows, clean and fresh installation on the SSD with my HDD removed, and the performance was still shot.
check in bios if the ssd is first boot device and not still set for the hdd .
My SSD is not connected at all to the PC.
Originally I was selecting/setting the boot device, but when these problems started to occur I was just using 1 disk at a time while removing the other for testing purposes to see if another one being connected caused any issues for whatever reason.