Need advice on a sound card. Is it worth my money?

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Nov 16, 2006
So I'm looking at maybe getting a sound card. I've read that they are definately worth it and your sound is greatly improved.

My Speakers (I have the 2.1 speaker set instead of 5.1. Same exact satellites and subwoofer)

My current sound codec: Realtek AC97

I do not plan on buying better speakers. If I do, I'd get the set linked above. (ha, yes I'm cheap).

The sound card I'd like to buy when it drops to $50-$60:

QUESTION ==============================
With my current speakers, will this sound card make a big difference in sound for my games? I play RPGs (Oblivion), lots of RTS's, and just about every other genre besides FPS.

Thanks :hello:
Try this first. Play a CD using Power DVD program ver.6 and up. On the preset equalizer select "SOFT", if you like the sound on that preset then a soundcard may be worth upgrading.

Best if you were to get Creative speakers instead and add it to your existing one, as the sound coming out of the Creative satellite is crispier than the Logitech, giving you more speakers and also increasing your Sub sonic level.
I think you will notice a difference, but not with everything. My advice, spend 90 bucks on a better speaker system rather than your card.

I have the Razer Barracuda and noticed a difference. Some bigger than others. I have the 5.1 you labeled. The best part is it taking some load of your cpu, but mine is changing the bass settings and other misc tweekings.
hoiho depends what are your wishes to do with soundcard, you want just for playing games,.. or for audio recording??? if so, than buy good speakers and good soundcard,.. for your budget you will not get good sound far from very good sound,.. the codecs ac97 you have probably integrated with your motherboard, this audio cores have big latency,cracks and pops, but for playing games they are very good,...

this sound will not have big differences iy you buy pro speakers from Alesis, Genelec, yamaha, Fostex,.. if you have bad soundcard the sound will be bad ,.. you must have both good quality ..cause of latency issues, sound quality and speaker frequencies response of your stereo speakers ,desktop or any other

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