[Need Advice] Opinions on PSU/Case


Feb 2, 2012
Hey all

just a quick question/looking for some opinions.

What do people think of this PSU and this Case

PSU - http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171048

Case- http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119194

Comboed- http://www.newegg.ca/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.829297

The system is going to be a FX-8120 and XFX 7950 BE.

In the future i want to CF another 7950, so will the PSU be enough power for that? (Yes, i will be OCing the CPU now, i will prolly OC the GPUs later).

Will the case fit 2 7950s?

Also, any experiences with either product would be great.

Thanks so much.
The case and PSU should be fine for 2 7950s. The only thing to check would be the length of the card(s) in relation to the room the case has from expansion plate cover to nearest obstruction (like the drive bays). I really don't imagine there will be a problem, tho. Keep in mind that if the card(s) has rear ports for the PCIe pwr cables (as opposed to top ports), the overall length required will grow a bit.

Another thing to watch for, will the long card(s) cover any SATA ports on the motherboard. Most boards have right angle ports now to eliminate that problem but some don't.

Here is a PSU calculator you can use to verify necessary wattage: http://www.thermaltake.outervision.com/
The amp capacity on the +12V rail(s) is equally as important. I would look for at least 20A if multiple rails.

that site didnt have the 7950 on it, so i used the 6990 which i know needs more power....

all together the system i have needs 640w, so 850 should be more than enough to cover my system and leave me room to add another 7950?

That Coolermaster power supply is not even close to worth the price. It's not a very good power supply. Coolermaster makes good CPU coolers and good cases. Not so much when it comes to power supplies.

The Corsair 850TX and the Antec High Current Gamer Series 900w are about the same price and much better units.

And this is the best choice for the money. It's even modular.
