The manual for the Gigabyte X399 AORUS Gaming 7 (Ver 1) mobo (I assume that is yours) says it has one CPU_FAN header, FOUR of the SYS_FANn headers, and two SYS_FANn Pump headers. So you DO have enough SYS_FAN headers (1 to 4) to connect four case ventilation fans separately. Be aware that the case's two fans included are the FN v2 version according to the case website, which are of the 3-pin design. You don't specify which additional fan models you plan, but I'll assume they are similar. That type can can be controlled ONLY by a header using the older Voltage Control Mode, which CAN be done with your mobo. There are two items you should check and adjust for the configuration of EACH of the SYS_FAN headers you plug your fans into. See...