Question Need help identifying my PC's problem


Aug 2, 2017
My PC is not anything super powerful but it is much much slower than it should be when opening programs or powering on and seems to also not be performing as it should when gaming. I'm pretty sure it's a either under powered RAM or a slow HDD. When I look in task manager my disk usage maxes out very easily when opening programs, downloading things and sometimes playing games. My memory also reaches upwards of 90% when playing games.

My HDD: 1tb 7200 RPM
I also ran a benchmark test with HD Tune as shown below
As far as I can tell those results are good except for the response time.

My RAM: 8 gigabytes DDR3 SDRAM 1600 megahertz
Also did a benchmark test for that although I don't know how useful that is.

Is one bottle necking the other? Should I upgrade both? Is there possibly a different problem?
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What are the rest of your systems specs?

How full your HDD also makes a difference. Basically the data on the inner tracks of the platters transfers slower the data on the outter tracks. HDD fill from the outside tracks to the inside track for this reason.

Have you run disk defragement?
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What are the rest of your systems specs?

How full your HDD also makes a difference. Basically the data on the inner tracks of the platters transfers slower the data on the outter tracks. HDD fill from the outside tracks to the inside track for this reason.

Have you run disk defragement?

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 460
CPU: AMD FX 4300
Running Windows 10

My HDD is about 95% full so that could very possibly be the problem. I was planning on replacing it with a 2tb drive or adding another 1tb drive to increase storage but I never knew that affected speed. Would there be any reason not to simply put another drive in assuming I have space in my case?

I also have never manually run disk defragement but when I opened the optimize drive tool on my PC it was set to automatically do it weekly.
No reason to not install another drive at all.
If these are games that are fom the likes of Steam & Origin, you can even move then to the new drive after you make a location for them on it and add the folder to the App's list of Library locations.