Need help with gaming rig I just built


Jul 29, 2013
i am very "noob" when it comes to gaming rigs i just know the basics but i recently built a rig and the parts are as follows
AMD fx-8350
geforce gtx 760 2GB
650w psu
sabertooth FX R.20 motherboard
8gigs of ram
my case has 3 fan slots that iv put fans into should i get water cooling? if so which one and if i said anything wrong please correct me because i really am new to this stuff. I also the cpu goes about 60 degrees when im playing bf4 for a while and my gpu is about 50-60. any help or input would be nice
AMD processors run pretty hot so if you are stable at 60 degrees after a few hours that sounds about right.

You mentioned water cooling, are you looking into getting a closed loop circuit just for the CPU or a whole custom loop?
Those temps are just fine I wouldn't suggest going with a closed water loop unless you wish to overclock. If you want to cool the CPU more i would suggest just ordering this, but i think it is a bit overkill.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $29.98
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-12-24 20:14 EST-0500)

all i really want is water cooling for my gpu and cpu again im really new so idk which circuit im guessing whole custom loop because i need cooling for my gpu. sorry if im confusing you aha
Personally I do not believe that a 280 (2x140) rad will be enough for a GPU and CPU. You should be looking for atleast 360 for the both of them. For just a CPU closed loop I recommend a corsair h100i, I have a 4770k at 4.4Ghz at 1.2Vcore and run at 70 degrees during prime 95. Normal gaming after a few hours I sit around 50.

alright and do u have any suggestions on the gpu? and is there a possible bundle that comes with both cpu and gpu coolers?
At that point you are looking to build a custom solution that you will have to part together yourself. XSPC and EKWB are good for water cooling. You will need the CPU plate and GPU plate, a res, a pump, rads, connectors and fans. For this type of setup you are looking at a minimum of 500$. With one GPU and a CPU you may get away with 360, but more is always better. Does your case support this amount of raditor?
Custom water loop is a lot of work, you will have to order waterblocks for your gpu and cpu, reservoir, pump, lines, fittings and -whatever else you would need. I would say it would cost $300 - $500. In my opinion not worth it, if you really want to order water cooling for your cpu just order and H80i or a H100i if it will fit in your case.

it is a mid tower that is it so could u give me suggestions of coolers to fit that?
1 x 140 mm top TwoCool fan (standard)
1 x 120 mm rear TwoCool fan (standard
You will not be able to throw a custom water loop setup in this as you do not have enough space. At most you could look at a closed loop to do your CPU.

ah that sucks that i cant cool my gpu but it is what it is . any suggestions on a closed loop cooling unit for my AMD FX-8350 ?

yeah im going to go into canada computers and ask them for help with picking air cooling but for a good one how much would it be?

Wow.. I did getr blue screen when I did try to post answer.. What was I thinking?

So this is goos cooler. Expensive but good.
Phanteks is good cooler too. Looks better.
Thermalright do have good coolers.

CM 212 EVO is not bad choice it is cheap but OC is not so good. It can not max out all cpu's.

Hope thsi helps :) And ask more if you have something u want to know :)

im gonna look for the first one you linked me money isent an issue i rather pay for a good cooling system that works well then pay for a cheap one that doesnt work as well but i think im good ty for all the help man