Need help with new gaming build

Some changes :

If you'll use the system most for gaming(there's no performance difference, both are quad-cores, the hyperthreading of the i7 only gets used outside gaming with some apps like video/image editing) i recommend changing the i7 for a an i5(i5-3570k) and  with the price difference, buy a ssd with 128GB, like the samsung 830(the best) or crucial m4, which i did in the list.
The asus is out of stock in any online shop, the msi lightning 7970 is as good, i changed the ram for the samsung(it has lower voltage, it overclocks well with timings and speeds better than the memory you chose), also for a mobo i put the msi z77 mpower, it's much better than the asus z77 sabertooth.
Also a better psu for cheaper price, better case and monitor.
Also changed the hdd for a cheaper one, but better.