
Feb 26, 2005
Hello everyone, im in need of help. Sorry if this is the wrong section, i would also like to inform you that my native language isnt English so my grammar and spelling might not be 100% accurate.

Anyway to the problem, i recently bought a Nvidia Geforce 6800 from Gigabyte, installet it and everything went smooth. But when playing some games my computer started to freeze, first the graphics then the sound. It last for about 10-30 secs and sometimes i get blue screen too.

The big problem is that it occurs EVERY time i experience light/flash/smoke effects up close. For instance played Swat 4 Demo and when i used a smoke nade it happend, same when i got shot up close. It happens on all games and ive tried about everything (Im no expert heh)

I reinstalled the computer and got latest drivers, also tried older ones but same problem there. So now im calling for help, after 2 months with this problem i dont know what to do or who to ask. So please if you know anything about this problem, maybe even a solution please let me know.

Regards Trust


Jan 30, 2003
Do you have any of your settings overclocked? (Memory, Graphics, etc.). How big is your power supply?
These are the areas I would check first. My friend had his memory timings overclocked and his graphics card overclocked and ended up with the same problems. His system even rebooted on its own a few times. If you have your timings overclocked restore them to the default settings. If that isn't the case then I would look at the PSU. If you have less than a 400Watt PSU I would recommend upgrading as the 6800 Graphics card takes a lot of power to run. You might also want to check and see how hot your system is getting by downloading MBM 5. See how hot your CPU is getting. You can download it here: <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>


Jan 27, 2005
Just some questions before answering quickly:
- What video adapter did you replace?
- Amount off video RAM on new card?
- What mainboard are you using (Manufacturer, model, version)?
- BIOS if you know it but the mainboard will probably tell if you don't
- What version of the Nvidia Drivers are installed? You said latest but just checking.
- Have you played with any settings in BIOS - AGP gate, Video Shadowing, etc... This is where you would have made any mods to overclock the systems too.
- Have you played with Nvidia settings like Pixel Shaders or Anti Aliasing?


Mar 3, 2005
Also, you didn't list the rest of your system's specs. If you have the new card, but the CPU is too slow, or you have any number of other conflicts with the other hardware, you will still come up with severe problems.
I had gotten a 6800, but the agp bus on one older motherboard I had didn't really support it.(problems)
-just a thought

PLEASE NOTE: Some quantum physics theories suggest that when the consumer is not directly observing this product, it may cease to exist or will exist only in a vague and undetermined state.


Jan 27, 2005
Yep, that's why I would like to know what mobo is being used because if it only supports AGP2 or 4 then there may be probs with the 6800 since it is optimized for 8x. It should step down to 4x though.
You're correct, lots of problem possibilities here.

Ahhh... the old Shrodinger's product conundrum :evil:


Feb 26, 2005
Ok havent been able to post until now, thanks for all replys im going to try some of those things. Now to try answer your questions, the mainboard is pretty old,i bought it because i would be able to use my old Rams and have 768 Ram but it didnt work anyway.

As a mainboard i got a M7NCD PRO from Biostar and Nvidia as chipset something =p.AMD Athlon 1800XP+, MMX, 3DNow, 1,5~~Hz and 512 Ram.
I havent been overclocking anything, ive tried things in the BIOS but the problem was there before and after i played with the settings there. Ohh and the powersupply is on 300Watt.
I will try some of the things you listed and report back here, thanks again for the replys.



Jan 27, 2005
Hi welcome back!
If <A HREF=" Pro" target="_new">this</A> is your mobo we can go from there.
the 300W PSU may be a bit low but a lot depends on wqhat else you have installed (HW).
I'll try to look the BIOS over as well as the power issue and check back.
how come everytime i see a red mobo, i automatically think of ecs/pcchips...

I work therefore I am conservative.
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Apr 22, 2004
A few more questions-
Did you plug in the external power connector to the video card?
I thought I read that the 6800 required at least a 350 Watt PSU ( I am thinking with multiple hd's and such a 400 Watt PSU should be used).
Did you install coolbits to get the full "3D" speed from the processor and ram?
What driver version are you using? Is it a beta?
Exactly what game(s) are you playing that are having problems. Does it occur in all games?


Oct 8, 2004
If you can.. switch the memory modules.

btw.. what memory is your system using?

Try running memtest86

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