Question I need some help with my Gaming Laptop's HDMI / Mini DP port ?


Oct 9, 2022

So the gaming laptop I am using right now is the Colorful X15 and after 3 years of usage now I feel the performance is slowly falling down. I wanted to know if the HDMI port or the Mini DP port are connected directly to the discrete GPU. If anyone has any idea it would help me out a lot. Thanks <3
No specific answer (full disclosure) regarding the connectivity question.

There may be any number of reasons why performance is slowing.

= = = =

Full laptop specs?


Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

You can use Task Manager and Resource Monitor to observe system performance. (There are other tools available as well.)

Use both tools but only one tool at a time.

Objective simply to learn more about what the laptop is doing (or trying to do) when performance is deemed slow.

What resources are being used, by what, and to what extent (%),

More needs to be known.