networking games



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Have mani PC running Win XP Pro. Secondary laptop running
Win 98 SE.
Thinking about connecting both machines with a Broadband
router. So laptop can access internet using ICS.

Main reason for this is so both machines can acces MSN
gaming zone. In particular to play Age of Empires.

Can I do thisa soley with Broadband router?
Do I have to make sure any specfic ports are open, and if
so which ones?

Archived from groups: (More info?)

Neil Williams wrote:
> Have mani PC running Win XP Pro. Secondary laptop running
> Win 98 SE.
> Thinking about connecting both machines with a Broadband
> router. So laptop can access internet using ICS.
> Main reason for this is so both machines can acces MSN
> gaming zone. In particular to play Age of Empires.
> Can I do thisa soley with Broadband router?
> Do I have to make sure any specfic ports are open, and if
> so which ones?
> Thanks

Look here for help:

2 IPs.. But probably not necessary with AC.


Ports and Routers


MSN® Gaming Zone™ - Technical Support

Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Neil Williams" <> wrote in message
> Have mani PC running Win XP Pro. Secondary laptop running
> Win 98 SE.
> Thinking about connecting both machines with a Broadband
> router. So laptop can access internet using ICS.

If you have a router, you won't be using the ICS software.

> Main reason for this is so both machines can acces MSN
> gaming zone. In particular to play Age of Empires.
> Can I do thisa soley with Broadband router?

Get one of MS's routers. Easy setup, and they have never given me any
problems with playing games online. If you do need to open ports, they've
got an easy to understand and use web-based interface.

> Do I have to make sure any specfic ports are open, and if
> so which ones?
> Thanks

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