[SOLVED] New ASUS TUF FX705DY Laptop: Crazy Loud Fans


Oct 12, 2010
I have just purchsed a new ASUS FX705DY laptop and the CPU fan has been exceedingly loud from the first time I turned it on. Upon entering windows and seeing that the CPU was idle (1-3% usage) the fan noise never let up - it stayed loud. So it seems that this fan is the "base noise" of the laptop even whent its idle. To give an idea of how loud this base noise is, I can say that its as loud as my old Asus G750jw when the latter is under full load, namely running games. However the G750jw is SILENT for the most part in windows even 6 years after purchase, much unlike this new FX705DY which is screaming the whole time.

To remedy this problem I went into Asus Armoury to set the fan to silent mode. While the fan became silent, my CPU was axed down from over 3ghz to 1.4ghz which of course affected performance and responsiveness, which is also unacceptable. So its either loud fan or slow laptop.

Here is the interesting thing: I left the fan on balanced (noisy) mode, used the FX705DY for about 20 minutes and then put my hand underneath it. Cool like a cucumber. Now my old G750jw virtually always gets warm or even hot even when just running windows. BUT it stays silent. So what I find bizarre is that the ASUS FX705DY fan wont even allow the CPU temperature to reach 50 degrees. My understanding is that CPU's, even on laptops should comfortably be able to run up to 60-70 degrees before the fans go on full blast. But this fan doesnt seem to allow that. It wants to keep the laptop ice cold. And to do so it runs full near full blast from the getgo.

So my question is, is there any way to configure this laptop to ONLY actually start kicking in the fans on full blast when the CPU starts to get warm / hot? Or at least is there some middle ground to Asus Armoury that can make the fan semi silent so I can run on CPU clock rates above 1.4 ghz, at least while in windows? I would be content with capping the CPU at say, 2.2-2.4 ghz.

If I cannot solve this soon I will have to RMA this machine because the idle noise goes simply beyond what I have ever witnessed in any laptop (gaming or other) that I have ever worked with or owned. How such a device passes basic QA is beyond me.

Note: I am running the laptop in a cool room (18 degrees).
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You might want to check and see which BIOS version the laptop is currently on. An update(if pending) should resolve the issue. Outside of that you might to include the seller and Asus into the matter via an email and bring them up to speed on the matter if things to go towards an RMA path.
You might want to check and see which BIOS version the laptop is currently on. An update(if pending) should resolve the issue. Outside of that you might to include the seller and Asus into the matter via an email and bring them up to speed on the matter if things to go towards an RMA path.
You might want to check and see which BIOS version the laptop is currently on. An update(if pending) should resolve the issue. Outside of that you might to include the seller and Asus into the matter via an email and bring them up to speed on the matter if things to go towards an RMA path.
Yes will update the BIOS tonight. Will also run HWInfo to give actual numbers on the CPU temp instead of speculating. From what I have read though this laptop is generally loud, but I never expected it to be THIS loud. So if the BIOS update does not solve the problem I will definitely RMA it. Could be bad thermal pasting but then again the unit was cool, at least on the outside.

Will test more tonight and get back to you.

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