[SOLVED] [New Build] 13700KF Core Temp Throttling [100C], while having 2 Figma windows opened


Dec 21, 2020
View: https://imgur.com/a/BIHJWCM

  • Windows 11 Pro
  • MSI Z790 Tomahawk Wifi
  • Intel i7 13700kf [Air Cooler AK620]
  • 2x16GB Corsair 6400Mhz (XMP on)
  • 6950XT MSI
  • 1TB SSD
  • Corsair RM1000X
  • Case: Lian Li Lancool 216
  • Airflow: 3 intakes and exhaust each
  • Bios Version: H.20 (29/12/2022)
  • Ambient room temp: 25'C

I just build my PC recently. Everything seems fine on gaming. I play dota 2 and just finish Witcher 3, I played for about a month and nothing bad happened.
First throttling happened when i tried to install a repack apps, fans went so loud and when i checked on HWInfo, it shows that the core temp went up to 100C. I force close the installation. I search online and many has said that its a normal temp to have when trying to unpack apps.
Today i open Figma, and when i try to duplicate some UI from the community site, it happened again [The image above shows the temp when it happened]. And a CPU throttle warning shows up in HWInfo64.
I read that Figma is GPU intensive, and i wonder why is this happening.
Do I need to stress CPU now to check things out?
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Your mobo has set up the CPU to always run at 288W even though your CPUs max rating is for 253W so you can go into bios and reduce PL1 and PL2 to a maximum point that your cooler can still cool at a temp that won't give you anxiety. It stands to reason that the mobo applied other overclocking settings as well and some further research might be worth it.

Thermal throttling just means that the CPU has reached the point of max performance and won't go above that, it's not really a bad thing unless the clocks reduce considerably, if the performance manages to stay at that point then it's fine. 100 degrees is considered safe by intel, the shut off temp of the CPU is at around 130.


Dec 21, 2020
What is the make and model of your case, the fans used in the case and their number and orientation? Ambient room air temps? BIOS version for your motherboard?
i use Lian Li Lancool 216, stock fans on the front (2x140), stock exhaust on the back, with additional 2 intake and 2 exhaust at the bottom (on top of PSU) and on the top for exhaust.
Bios Version: H.20
Ambient room temp: 25'C

Isn't it unusual that the temp spikes on certain activity? i'm fairly new to PC, but it's just weird that its fine in games but not in apps and installation.
Your mobo has set up the CPU to always run at 288W even though your CPUs max rating is for 253W so you can go into bios and reduce PL1 and PL2 to a maximum point that your cooler can still cool at a temp that won't give you anxiety. It stands to reason that the mobo applied other overclocking settings as well and some further research might be worth it.

Thermal throttling just means that the CPU has reached the point of max performance and won't go above that, it's not really a bad thing unless the clocks reduce considerably, if the performance manages to stay at that point then it's fine. 100 degrees is considered safe by intel, the shut off temp of the CPU is at around 130.