Question New Build blue screen irql_not_less_or_equal

Aug 28, 2019
Hi, I hope someone can help me with a problem I am having.
I made my first build a couple weeks ago using the following components:

It turned on correctly, I updated my BIOS to the version F32 as suggested by the manufacturer and by Gigabyte's @bios utility. However ehen trying to install the SO (either Windows or Linux) the installation froze at different points. I have to google for answers and ended up disabling in the BIOS the options SVM Mode and SMT Mode. That allowed me to install Windows 10 Pro.

However the system kept on throwing me a blue screen with the error "irql_not_less_or_equal", I updated the drivers and it seemed to fix it. I also installed the optional patches from AMD.

Now the problems I have are:

  • The game Monster Hunter World when running it got to 60 fps and got temps of 65 C in the GPU but at some points the game crashed, I have to set a framelimit of 30 to play which solved the issue

  • When not playing, but working ( I am a developer) windows kepts on throeing me the blue screen with errors ""irql_not_less_or_equal" or "kmode exception not handled". I searched for it and it seems to be related with the memory, however I ran the memtest86 and got no errors on the tests. This only happens when working or browsing and it happens like one time every day.

I hope some one have some insights into this and I am open to any suggestions, even if it involves changing some components.

Thank you