New cpu


Aug 21, 2010
I'm upgrading my cpu from an Athlon II x4 620, but arn't sure which one to get. My options are Phenom II x4 975BE or Phenom II x6 1090t.
I play games like C.O.D, Crysis and the like, also my wife uses the pc for her business.
My system at the moment is:-
Athlon IIx4 620 oc 3.1ghz

ASrock 890gx extreme 3

2x2gb kingston hyperx 1600mhz

HIS hd5750 icooler IV 1gb ddr5

5oogb Hitachi hdd

1tb Samsung hdd

750w novatech psu

NZXT Tempest Evo case

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I see what you mean. The benchmarks are for comparing the processors at same clock speed, wouldnt the Phenom blow it away if the same tests were done with its stock clock, or an oc?

So my cpu is fine then? Thought my card was pretty good, any recomendations on an upgrade? thanks for your help
Add a second 5750 to run in CF and get a better CPU cooler to overclock your CPU. You would get somewhat better performance using a Phenom II X4 BE with a higher overclock. Even so I wouldn't buy a 975 BE, but a 955BE instead since it can reach about the same OC speeds and is cheaper. Of course, as always, when it comes to overclocking your mileage may vary.
I agree with Mosox. A better GPU will make a lot more difference in games. Check benchmarks. Also consider your wife's business uses; if she does any work that could benefit from CUDA, then you may find a nVidia card to be the better option. A GTX460 or GTX560Ti would be good.
Thanks guys. So if my budget allowed me to get a 955be and a 5750 would that be the best case senario? also does it matter which manufacturers 5750 i got, or would it have to be a HIS like the one i've got alread? cheers