[SOLVED] New crucial mx500 fails SMART but only in WD Data Lifeguard


Jun 29, 2014

I recently purchased a crucial MX500 500gb 2.5inch sata ssd new from amazon to increase my system storage.

The drive seems to work fine, but when viewing the SMART status using Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics it shows a FAIL for ID B4(hex value) which has the attribute name "End to End Error Rate". I have a feeling this is probably because the software is designed for hard drive diagnostics rather than there being a problem with the drive, but wanted to ask to be sure.

Using other drive monitoring programs (CrystalDiskInfo, Samsung Magician and Crucial Storage Executive) the drive passes all SMART attributes, and the attribute with ID B4(hex) or 180(decimal) shows up with the name "Unused reserved NAND blocks" instead. The current value for this attribute is "0" and the raw data shows "24"

I did some googling for this particular attribute regarding the mx500 and managed to find a pdf which I've attached. Although the mx500 isn't listed the mx300 is so I'm guessing it should have similar SMART attributes. It states on page 12 that SMART ID 180 is hard coded to 0 for the current value, so I'm guessing this is normal?

I just wanted to clarify that this isn't a sign of early drive failure?

I've attached the pdf document as well as some screenshots to illustrate what mean:

PDF Link: Micron Client SATA SSD SMART Attribute Reference

WD Data Lifeguard - SMART FAIL

CrystalDiskInfo - SMART PASS

Samsung Magician - SMART PASS

Crucial Storage Executive - SMART PASS

Thanks very much for reading and your help.
Data LifeGuard doesn't understand Crucial's SMART attributes. Moreover, DLG appears to interpret a particular attribute as having failed when its Current Value hits the Threshold. The other tools appear to sense a failure only when an attribute falls below its threshold.
Data LifeGuard doesn't understand Crucial's SMART attributes. Moreover, DLG appears to interpret a particular attribute as having failed when its Current Value hits the Threshold. The other tools appear to sense a failure only when an attribute falls below its threshold.
Thanks for the reply, sorry it took me so long to respond. That's what I assumed as well, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I should be concerned about. I keep backup images of all my drives and my important files on an external drive just in case.