new fx5600 = random crashes


May 23, 2002
I just upgraded from an MSI geforce 4 mx440 to an XFX fx5600 256mb and now games crash randomly (could be 5 seconds, could be 50 minutes). it seems to be more 3d games than anything else. even 3dmark crashes within the first 5 tests. I think the problem could be heat or power supply.. but yea, i have no idea. ive run it with teh case off, and a fan blowing into the comp but that didnt help much. ive got a 300w power supply, and according to the box system specs (300w) and the manual system specs (250w) i should be okay... also, when it crashes, my sound seems to garble up too, producing high piched screeching and distortion. I use creative audigy gamer sound card.

if anyone can help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated
Adjust your memory timings in your motherboards bios. Increase AGP voltage.

<b><font color=red>3DMark03</font color=red></b>
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<b><font color=red>3DMark 2001SE</b></font color=red>
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I dont see anything involving memory timings in bios. should i be looking for something more specific? and, how high should i be increasing AGP voltage..?
some more info...

gigabyte 7VRX mobo, it supports up to AGP 4x, and the card supports AGP 4x/8x.. i cant get it to run under 2x or 4x, only 1x, and i installed the via hyperion drivers or whatever for agp.

agp settings:
aperture size: 256mb
mode 1x
comp driving auto
fastwrite disabled
read synchronization disabled
voltage: 1.5v

also, every now and again my screen goes black for about half a second, then comes back on.

heat doesnt seem to be a problem, after running it through a crash while watchin cpu and case temp..

I really wanna use my new card =/
In order to get into advanaced BIOS settings you need to use a special 'secret' (not mentioned in mobo literature or on the main sections of their [Gigabyte's] website) key function, this is to keep nOObs from frying their systems.

Once you are in the BIOS screen, press CTR+F1, that should 'refresh' the screen with a few more options and more options in each seperate subsection. It's annoying, but once you find out how to access these added options you get used to it. It took me 2 days to find AGP Aperture Size because it's not there without the 'advanced options'!

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:

hmm, well aperture size isnt a problem, it doesnt seem to be an advanced dealy an is already available.. although, memory timings is, so, what should i adjust them to? up? down? and, since i dont quite know what im doing, what are the risks involved.. or, boundaries that i should stay within when changing

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ding on 01/02/04 09:31 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
It depends on the type of memory you have.

Playing around with them shouldn't kill your system, but will likely keep it from booting and then return to default if you mess it up (happened to me a while back when I got a little too agressive). Your memory manufacturer should have some tips for the modules you bought (or their lines in general).
Also remember how to boot from BIOS defaults if you F' up stuff. IIRC pressing insert during the boot, loads from default settings.

<A HREF="" target="_new">Adrian's Rojak Pot</A> is a good source for info on these things.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:

hmm, but how is it supposed to help? system worked fine with the old card..

but after looking at that site, in specific the AGP driving value, could it be i just need to change driving control to manual and set it to something?
update... just had my first non-game crash. bluescreened from nv4_mini... ive got latest nvidia drivers, any clue?