this might look long but it ant so please read it and give me much needed advice
Im buying a new graphics card for my new computer whihc is a
ASUS P4C800 Deluxe with a P4 2.4C
512 of 400mhz ram
WD 80 gig 8mb cache
mm thats all thats important
my current card is a GF3 TI 200 128mb
time to upgrade!! no doubt bout that
only 1 problem nvidia atm is [-peep-] up
5200 ultra= sux
5600 Ultra= sux
4600 = good card but not dx9
4800 = pfft not as good as 4600
5800 = too expensive for me
5900 = dont even ask $$$$$$$$$$$
To this day i have not used anything but NVIDIA products
i have never used a radeon card before so im very very newbish with them and i would love to have some true things pointed out to me... i dont want any comments on just supporting there card by stubborn ppl who support there card even if it has problems i want true good facts and true bad facts
Im lookin at the 9700 non pro
and the 9800 SE
which perfroms better? and are they stable (stability is extremely important to me i want somethign as stable as my gf3) and any compatabibilty problmes.. ive heard alot of problems with rade on cards so plz help me here
benchmarks of the 9800 non pro (which i think is SE) VS the 9700 would be great
we woudl expect the 9800 to be betetr but from memory i read up somewher that the 9500 is better than the 9600 so who knows coudl be the same thing here.
also was SE stand for?
another thing is i MUST have tv out as i use this alot
Now because i have never used ATI cards before i got lotas of questions about the tv out.
Whats the maximum resolution?
my gf3 does 1024X768
does 9700 non pro and 9800 non pro do this? Also does it do clone view as so its viewed on tv and on monitor and does it have that nice tool on gf4 cards that u can make a movie play on the tv through tv out and still work on the computer.
any iother cool features with the 9700 and 9800 then plz let me know😀 and basically does the tv out wif rade on adn these cards work well.. i use tv out every night so its extremely important
1 more thing wat brand shall i get if i get a rade on i usually get leadtek or asus with Nvidia but things change.. ppl change... bye bye nvidia ive very disspaointed they coudl not make a card inbetween the 5800 and 5600
such a huge jump in performance and price the 5600 should be more powerful to 9700 standard in my opinion
guys just to tell i appreciate all the help thanx guys very much
Im buying a new graphics card for my new computer whihc is a
ASUS P4C800 Deluxe with a P4 2.4C
512 of 400mhz ram
WD 80 gig 8mb cache
mm thats all thats important
my current card is a GF3 TI 200 128mb
time to upgrade!! no doubt bout that
only 1 problem nvidia atm is [-peep-] up
5200 ultra= sux
5600 Ultra= sux
4600 = good card but not dx9
4800 = pfft not as good as 4600
5800 = too expensive for me
5900 = dont even ask $$$$$$$$$$$
To this day i have not used anything but NVIDIA products
i have never used a radeon card before so im very very newbish with them and i would love to have some true things pointed out to me... i dont want any comments on just supporting there card by stubborn ppl who support there card even if it has problems i want true good facts and true bad facts
Im lookin at the 9700 non pro
and the 9800 SE
which perfroms better? and are they stable (stability is extremely important to me i want somethign as stable as my gf3) and any compatabibilty problmes.. ive heard alot of problems with rade on cards so plz help me here
benchmarks of the 9800 non pro (which i think is SE) VS the 9700 would be great
we woudl expect the 9800 to be betetr but from memory i read up somewher that the 9500 is better than the 9600 so who knows coudl be the same thing here.
also was SE stand for?
another thing is i MUST have tv out as i use this alot
Now because i have never used ATI cards before i got lotas of questions about the tv out.
Whats the maximum resolution?
my gf3 does 1024X768
does 9700 non pro and 9800 non pro do this? Also does it do clone view as so its viewed on tv and on monitor and does it have that nice tool on gf4 cards that u can make a movie play on the tv through tv out and still work on the computer.
any iother cool features with the 9700 and 9800 then plz let me know😀 and basically does the tv out wif rade on adn these cards work well.. i use tv out every night so its extremely important
1 more thing wat brand shall i get if i get a rade on i usually get leadtek or asus with Nvidia but things change.. ppl change... bye bye nvidia ive very disspaointed they coudl not make a card inbetween the 5800 and 5600
such a huge jump in performance and price the 5600 should be more powerful to 9700 standard in my opinion
guys just to tell i appreciate all the help thanx guys very much