New parts for my PC


Sep 6, 2013
Hey there everyone of TH. I'm needing to get a few new parts for my PC. I'd like to start overclocking my i5-2500k a bit but it is 4 years old... is it still a good idea? Also I currently have the corsair CX600M PSU and its rated in tier 4...... so I'm thinking I need a new one to run my i5 along with my gtx 970. If I do, what do you guys think about this one?

Also, I'm having the worst of times trying to find a new ssd. I'd like a good one but for a decent price, say under $120 CAD. Can I get some help with these? Hope to get some responses, as I usually do! Thanks in advance!

One more thing, I really want a new case as well... could I get opinions on these four?

Thanks to all!
I'd ask you to look into this unit. While you can also look into these chassis':
since you're working with an atx motherboard.

I'd go for the Crucial.

IMHO, the price's of things in Canada are erm, high...

I was getting to hat point, the VRM area being naked

does not encourage...
You're familiar with the PSU tier list, so you understand the importance of getting a near Tier 1 unit when possible. I've recently been through some SSD's while building for a Canadian compatriot, you may want to see what an OCZ Trion 150 12oGB SSD costs though I'd suggest anything you can find at that price range which is around 240GB since you're going to benefit having your games on the SSD and not a mechanical drive.

What sort of a budget do you have panned out for the PSU and case mind you? :)

cpus just havent advanced as fast as other components have from just around the time the 2500k and 2600k were the cpus to get funnily enough

i still miss my old 2600k at 5ghz lol


I am yes. That's what I've been looking at to find a good psu. But in Canada it's so hard to find a decent priced one. I'd ideally like to get one for under $100, but of course I know the quality decreases. I believe the one i had up is in tier 2. For the cases again I'd like to stay under $100, the four I gave links to will most likely be the ones I chose from and they are all under $100
I forgot to mention about the ssd, I would like one that has at least 200gb as mine currently has 120 and im almost out of room.

They are awesome that's for sure. Im a little nervouse about overclocking it though as I never have before with any.

main thing is have good cooling and try little increases at a time--you dont have to try for the magical 5ghz mark --though first time i ran my 2600k at 5ghz must admit i enjoyed it lol--for a half decent overclock just to get you used to it just increase the multiplier and no voltages and see how you get on

you have one of the best overclocking cpus made so even if you get unlucky in the silicon lottery still expect a decent overclock

I figured you guys would go for the s340, but id like to spend a bit less than that. I know I put it up there... maybe it'll go on sale. And my specs are as follows

Gygabyte Z68P-DS3 Mobo
16GB G.Skill ripjaws blue ram
Evga ssc acx + 2.0 GTX 970
windows 10 HP 64 on my OCZ Vertex 2 120gb ssd (83% used)
WD Blue 1tb storage drive (71% used)
Kingston 60gb ssd spare drive
Corsair CX600M PSU
Cooler Master Elite 330 case

Thanks for the oc advice. I'll give it a go!

theres tons of good overclocking guides for that cpu--probably some with identical motherboard to you as well if you get stuck


Sounds good! I'll just be very careful 😛 Thanks numpty

you are welcome

though a quick google of that board shows its got a peculiar bios when it comes to voltage adjustment so you may actually have to find guides specific to that motherboard that explains how the dynamic voltage on it works if you have any problems

I'd ask you to look into this unit. While you can also look into these chassis':
since you're working with an atx motherboard.

I'd go for the Crucial.

IMHO, the price's of things in Canada are erm, high...

I was getting to hat point, the VRM area being naked

does not encourage me to suggest an overclock unless the board is truly expendable which also brings the question of whether OP should invest in newer hardware to begin with. If you could add some heatsinks and direct a fan for cooling said heatsinks then yeah that would be a possible feat.

I've been in the bios and it's pretty weird compared to others I've seen. I have found where to adjust the voltages and I kind of know how to maneuver around it. I'll look up some more info when I get the parts and begin the overclocking process!

Thanks Lutfig! Indeed, prices here are complete garbage. But I'm stuck with it. That PSU is one I would really want to get but I was just trying to look for something good, but as cheap or on sale as I could get. I've also looked at those cases but I ended up removing them from my list as I wasn't too happy with the look compared to the four I had listed. Also, I'm not sure what you mean about the mobo... is it not able to handle a cpu overclock?

it probably can to a certain point--but guess it was a budget board at the time--look at a picture of the board i was using--notice the 2 large blue heatsinks around the cpu area

thats what he is referring to your board has none so those components are going to run a lot hotter

and since you are in canada

just out of curiosity is there any thing stopping you crossing into america and buying the components cheaper there and bringing them back?

obviously assuming you would need to be near the border for the point of that question

just wondered if you would get import duties or something if you did

Ooooooh. I get it. Hmm, well that's not so great. It wasn't the most expensive mobo that's for sure. It's been very solid so far. I'm already wanting to get a new psu, case, and ssd. I can't put out more for a mobo right now... although the mobo is probably most important. But it's not dying, yet.

Well that's a good point... but if I did the exchange rate brings the price up a ton anyway so is it really worth it?

it will probably handle a moderate overclock ok just wouldnt get too extreme--and as said guess its possible to just stick some heatsinks on there as long as its cheap enough to justify it


probably not then--it was just one of those questions lurking in the back of my mind that had never got around to asking

guess canada is a little like here in the uk components here are roughly in the 30% maybe 40% for some more expensive than the usa--if it wasnt for the postage cost and import duties it would almost be worth me buying from the usa


It's a bummer that's for sure. I was thinking of trying to get to a max of 4.5-4.6 for an overclock. That shouldn't be too high, or get too hot right?