I'm looking to build a new PC sometime in the next few months, as my PIII 600E is showing it's age. I am open to anything but am leaning towards an A64 at this point, although I'll probably wait for Nforce3-250 to come out. Anyway, I'm looking to build probably a mid-to-high end system for general use with some gaming. I know that new sockets are coming out for both AMD and Intel, and that PCI-X is on it's way too. My initial thought was to wait for them, but after doing some reasearch, it appears that the cheapest thing AMD is going to offer on 939 is the upcoming 3500+. Basically, I'm wondering if these upcoming components are going to be much more expensive than I'm willing to spend. . . I can't imagine going much over $500 for CPU, mobo and RAM, and $150-$200MAX for a graphics card. Am I going to be able to get into a 939 or Intel equivalent platform for those prices within the next 3 months or so? Or should I just buy into 754 even though it's going away?