New PC with Old Hard Drive


Dec 1, 2014
I'm updating my gaming PC with a new MoBo, GPU, RAM and CPU - however I'm keeping my old HDD, PSU etc.

Will replacing these parts require me to reformat my old HDD and re-install Windows or can I just plug in and start up? I honestly have no idea how my harddrive would react to the new hardware I'm installing.

Any information on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
Hello... Your new MB will require different drivers that will not be on your OLD Windows install... Sometimes you can get it to BOOT, and install your New drivers... sometimes it Won't, and a new install my be needed.
What was your Old MB BIO's SATA setting set out? You cant Boot a IDE installed OS with ACHI settings and Visa Versa.

Thanks for the help guys, I managed to get it all done with no trouble! Did a clean install of windows with a USB.

I definitely agree about upgrading my hard drive though (it is SATA II, and noticeably slow) , my budget doesn't currently allow for it I'm afraid, but I will definitely be purchasing a small SSD for apps and then a regular HDD for my files in the near future!