Don't ya think you are slaging the prescott a little premature? Could be this thing will rock.
You don't know how prescotts going to perform so hold off on the fanboy stuff.
I was just informing the person !
Prescott will very likely not perform well, sorry to dissapoint you...(not faster then curent P4)
This is the time of AMD64, they are simply the fastest on this moment, and still some persons advice p4 ore p4 EE.
This i can not allow, i know many people who think P4 is the fastest and buy a P4, if i explain to them THG is intel bias and P4 is not the fastest they are disapointed(by letting them read other reviews then THG) , so i think good information is importend, surtenly on a intel site/forum as THG.
Kanavit was telling Half life 2 will suport Hyper Treading.
This must be a joke, Hyper treading is very much over rated and slower`s the system in much cases !The only thing where it looks good is sysoft Sandra(intel payed a lot i gues).
64 bit is what gamedevelopers love ! 30% extra performence !! they are all chosing for 64 bit ! UT2004, Half life2, Far Cry !
Quake runs best on Intel says Kanavit, that`s maybe true, but all the other games run faster on AMD
so i would say, let the baby have his cooky