New system, AutoCAD and gaming


Jan 31, 2010
Approximate Purchase Date: As soon as the build is complete.

Budget Range: 5000 Lei (as a reference in case it helps, 1$=3.51 Lei, though the actual value of a dollar differs too).

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Its main usage will be for AutoCAD and V-Ray for SketchUp for architectural work, followed by Photoshop photo editing, and then gaming.

Are you buying a monitor: Yes, LED around 22''-23'', as well-suited for photography as possible in the budget range, which as far as I know means a priority for contrast and color range

Parts needed: Case, motherboard, CPU, memory, graphics card, PSU, DVD-Writer, HDD

Do you need to buy OS: No.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts:,; Preferably because they have better services, but has a larger variety of components and all-around lower prices. If a certain recommended component can only be found on, I'm willing to buy it from there, all the components don't necessarily have to come from the same vendor.

Country: Romania.

Parts Preferences:
CPU - Intel Ivy Bridge i5
GPU - around a Radeon HD 7850
Memory - minimum 8 GB
Motherboard - it should have at least one PCI accessible with the GPU in place in case an extra network card is needed, and if an option, as many USBs as possible
PSU - I would normally go with Corsair, but I'm open to other suggestions
HDD - one 500 GB HDD
Case - at the very least should have space for a fan in the front, besides the standard one in the back, the larger, the better; no need for fan controllers

Overclocking: No.

SLI or Crossfire: No

Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080

Why Are You Upgrading: The system I'm replacing is old and not performing well.

Additional Comments:
- The build should be made with future upgradability in mind.

- If builds made with the preferences mentioned come up short of 5000 Lei, you can get as close to 5000 as you'd like to make the best build you can. For the CPU, an i7 might be overkill, but if your build somehow leaves room to include one, then feel free to add it. Alternatively, you can upgrade the GPU if the budget allows it without sacrificing something else. The one component I always find difficult to choose is the case. As a general guide, I'm mainly looking for quality materials and finishing and as simple a design as possible, with no lights or transparent side panel. I've always had to work with cheaper cases, so I'm not necessarily looking for anything fancy or too expensive, but if the budget allows it I suppose it wouldn't hurt to splurge.

- One thing to note is that I've never used a tool-less case before, and though I can definitely see the benefits, I have no idea how reliable they are. I'd rather go with screws since if a plastic HDD support somehow breaks it would be difficult if not impossible to replace it, and I don't know if such cases come with extra parts.

- I'm aware that the provided websites aren't designed as well as they could be, but for anyone willing to browse through websites in a foreign language, below is the translation for the main terms and words you might need:

Produse = Products
Componente = Components
Categorii = Categories
Monitoare = Monitors
Diagonala = Diagonal
Procesoare = Processors
Placi video = Graphics cards
Placi de baza = Motherboards
Video integrat = Integrated video
Memorii = Memory
Carcase = Cases
Surse = Power supplies (cu/fara = with/without)
Pozitionare = Positioning (sus/jos = top/bottom)
Unitati optice = Optical drives
Ventilatoare = Fans (incluse = included)
Sorteaza/Odroneaza dupa = Sort by
Vandute = Sold
Vazute = Seen
Pret = Price
Sterge filtre = Remove filters
A cauta = To search

If any other translations are needed, feel free to ask.
Don't buy a ATI card if you are using AutoCAD, I'm not 100% on this but the 5XX series does better for iray which is what 3DSMax uses, the 6XX series are not as good though i'm not sure why. I'm using 2 460's for Maya/Max & Adobe CS5 and couldn't be happier. I'm not even sure if steam from ATI is supported hardware wise with autodesk products. Check to make sure before you buy.
I realized I hadn't mentioned what software is used for rendering and updated my post. I'm not sure what you mean with iray for 3dsmax though, doesn't rendering rely on CPU and memory? What does the graphics card have to do with it?
6 series cards are not good at pro apps yet cuz they use new architecture (kepler). Stick with a 5 or 4 series Nvidia card. I would normally say get a pro card though, especially since you are using pro apps for most of your PCs use. Rendering is done on the GPU nowadays and Nvidia cards are the most compatible right now. If I were you, I would get this You can still play games on it (I play on my FirePro v4900). If you must go with a consumer card, get the best one you can afford.

One more thing. Get a Seasonic 620w modular unit.
I appreciate the information, yet I would need some form of article or official manual stating this to base your argument on, because I have been unable to verify your claim that rendering is GPU intensive nowadays.
They are right that Nvidia is better if you are doing 3d modeling and rendering. It has CUDA technology (the graphics cards have Cuda cores) that really speed up rendering times. Just do a search for nvidia and cuda, lots of info on Nvidia's website too.

A great tool for selecting parts and making sure they are compatible is at, it also shows you the lowest prices from vendors. From the parts you listed it looks like your going "in the right direction". Except the Radeon, you should get Nvidia.

You might consider getting the i7-3770 because it has hyperthreading, which will give you 8 threads instead of 4 for rendering. The H77 motherboard is a fine choice, no need for Z77 unless you you're using an unlocked k series chip. I would personally get a caviar black hard drive they're a little faster than caviar blue.

Here is the computer build I just ordered all the parts for. I also do 3d modeling and rendering.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($299.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Gemin II S524 77.7 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($31.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock H77M Micro ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 830 Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($169.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Arc Mini MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($79.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: Rosewill Capstone 450W 80 PLUS Gold Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($16.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit) ($91.99 @ Amazon)
Keyboard: Logitech MK520 Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard w/Laser Mouse ($39.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $960.90
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
From what I've been able to find, Nvidia GPUs only accelerate certain software specifically designed to take advantage of the technology, and the most useful of them would be V-Ray for 3ds Max, which won't be used on the system. Even so, it's still something that's good to keep in mind, thanks for the information.

The site you mentioned is indeed good at filtering basic compatibilities, but I believe its real usefulness comes in its access to components databases from and others, checking availability and prices, therefore it doesn't really help me since I'm using romanian sites where I have to check components availability myself.

The build you posted looks good. I myself feel more comfortable with 4 memory slots and more PCI and PCI-Express slots, in case I'm ever looking to further upgrade the system in any way.