I am going to be building a new budget system, and need some advice. My current build so far is:
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L
Memory: G-Skill 2 gb DDR800 Cas4
Hard Drive: Seagate 250gb
Im having a hard time chosing between the processors and video card though.. Should I get the cheaper E6750 instead of a Q6600... Or, Should I get the 8800GT instead of the MSI Twin Turbo 8600GT. Im lookin to keep the price about 650-700. I put this in the motheboard category cus its a tossup between the video and cpu. I am going to be gaming, however I dont consider myself a "hardcore" gamer that's going to be pissed if im 5 FPS slower than my counterpart. I want them to run smoothly on a medium size resolution. I am running a 21" CRT monitor that i'll be keeping, if thats any help. I havent really built myself a system since my XP 2000+ Thunderbird, and my current TI-4200 I have. I guess im really looking for which one is worth the bigger bang. Thanks!
Also, if anyone else has other hardware suggestions that will keep me in this price range (ie: not interested in a 300 dollar mobo), I'd appreciate it. Im not really looking into AMD either, I'd like to try out intel and their overclocking potential. Thanks in advance.
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L
Memory: G-Skill 2 gb DDR800 Cas4
Hard Drive: Seagate 250gb
Im having a hard time chosing between the processors and video card though.. Should I get the cheaper E6750 instead of a Q6600... Or, Should I get the 8800GT instead of the MSI Twin Turbo 8600GT. Im lookin to keep the price about 650-700. I put this in the motheboard category cus its a tossup between the video and cpu. I am going to be gaming, however I dont consider myself a "hardcore" gamer that's going to be pissed if im 5 FPS slower than my counterpart. I want them to run smoothly on a medium size resolution. I am running a 21" CRT monitor that i'll be keeping, if thats any help. I havent really built myself a system since my XP 2000+ Thunderbird, and my current TI-4200 I have. I guess im really looking for which one is worth the bigger bang. Thanks!
Also, if anyone else has other hardware suggestions that will keep me in this price range (ie: not interested in a 300 dollar mobo), I'd appreciate it. Im not really looking into AMD either, I'd like to try out intel and their overclocking potential. Thanks in advance.