New video card in old computer, no display?


Nov 21, 2012

I have an old HP computer, an HP a6230n, or something like that. It has crappy integrated nVidia graphics. I changed the PSU to a Corsair HX650, plugged everything, all the fans are spinning, but it says no display.

The card that I put in is a Gigabyte HD 6850. I plugged in the 6-pin connector, the fans spin, but I power on my monitor and it says "no input detected".

What I think the problem is, is that the monitor would pug into the motherboard, not the integrated graphics. The cable, which I think is a DVI-A connector, obviously does not fit into the GPU's VGA connector (I think?)

Is that the problem or is it broken? It was a used card from a friend, and it did work before, and I'm 99.9% sure that I installed it correctly.

The question is, do I need a DVI-A-to-VGA adapter to get the monitor working? I can't do anything in the BIOS, obviously, because I cannot power on my monitor.


Such an adapter should have come with the card to begin with, check the box.

If not there ask your friend if he can kindly give it to you.