NEW XP batch, considerably overclockable.


Dec 31, 2007
over here in oz a number of people are having considerable success with the XP2000+ AGOIA "Y"

in excess of 1900Mhz in some cases.

see here.
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Toms Forums. Destroying my sanity
one braincell at a time. :smile:
Couldn't read as guest and couldn't be bothered to jump through the 8 thousand registration hoops. Fancy a little cut'n'paste for us?

-* <font color=red> !! S O L D !! </font color=red> *-
To the gentleman in the pink Tutu
cut and paste yes
fancy no
lots of extra stuff ive missed out, but u can see the general gist of things.
Well as I mentioned in this post the new AGOIA batch codes OC well..

Karma has a 2000+ AGOIA "Y" @ 1970 default volatge, stable with all PCI devices
on board

My 2000+ AGOIA "Y" is @ 2000 with 1.98V, AGP card and Intel Nic only.

as I mentioned in the other post I picked up a 1600+ AGOIA "4" 06/02. Well its a

Due to the high FSB Ram timings are slow and CPU decode is normal. But it gives a
good indication of what this chip should do once unlocked with some voltage..

It is not stable atm, above 1900 crashes to desktop in 3D Mark (Drago) and Prime
fails straight away. Windows random reboots at 1940..
lots more to come from this chip I think


Mobo: ABIT KR7A ||Ram:256MB Corsair XMS2400 CL 2||CPU: XP 1600+ AGOIA 40602 @ 1900 @ 1.85V
||HDD: 2 x 20GB IBM 75GXP in RAID 0||Video: LeadTek Winfast Ti 500
265/595||Case:Vapochill runs CPU @ -15 Idle and -11 Load.
Member of OCAU 3DMark Team 10186 3DMarks || How to say Linux

got awhile to go Mal

Forgot to mention, i can run PCmark2002, and 3dmark 2001 SE no problems at this

Temperature is also only 9C.


Toms Forums. Destroying my sanity
one braincell at a time. :smile:
oh shitt another mat/ray 1000 post long tread huh?

<A HREF="" target="_new"> <font color=red> <b>go to my site </b> </font color=red> </A>
It makes you wonder if AMD is making any other tweaks to the core. Doesn't it seem peculiar that the PR ratings are still conservative and they more than match comparable P4s?

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor
Well, as a worker in the yield enhancement group of fujitsu, I can tell you a possible reason for the new higher speed cpu.

The less product you run in a process, the higher your yield, there are many reasons for this, the main one is cleaner tools.(less inpurities are introduced because of less lots ran).

Since amd is making .13 micron tbreds etc, their .18 line will be at less than capacity, therefore cleaner, thusly the yields will go up, resulting in exceptional overclocking cpus.

Thats one possible reason for it.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
No Overclock+stock hsf=GOOD!
What about performance? What makes the Athlon XP 2100+ match the P4 2.2GHz? Why is the PR rating working when it's not linear?

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor
I'm guessing that the AXP simply does more per clock.
However the benchs for the 533FSB NW and PC1066RDRAM show threat. However they do bring up the PR rating's relativity to P4s, so it still would not be of any trouble until PR per P4 clock is not as performing. Which means that even if the PR2500 is not what a Tbird 2.5GHZ would give, or maybe it does, until a 2.5GHZ P4 outruns the 2500 completly, the PR is not useless and is competing.
However AMD has got to use 200 pts steps from now on, because the new NWs have much room for MHZ and already are equipped with even higher bandwidth and better IPC.
I expect AMD to get to PR2600 by June hopefully, or summer.
One thing, they must NOT disregard DDR400 and 400MHZ FSB at all.
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A> This shows how AMD can benefit to over 40% in IPC increase and can compete even further, plus better clockspeeds with the new BUS, or vice-versa, low clocks, high bus, allowing even more headroom and extreme comeptition to P4's bandwidth.

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!
What about performance? What makes the Athlon XP 2100+ match the P4 2.2GHz? Why is the PR rating working when it's not linear?

What? I dont follow.

The 2.2ghz p4 is neck and neck but probably extremely slightly faster than the 2100+. Pr rating is linear with itself.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
Thats because performance is not linear to the % increase in cpu speed alone.

66mhz=100pr, the increase is linear to itself. The % difference between 1.33>1.4ghz is not the % performance improvement from said increase.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
Yep, hence the ex employee.

(in my bio)

Fujitsu gmd closed, not the whole company though.

But I assure you, thats one possible reason why we are seeing new higher yield axps.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
So if I wanted to buy on of these overclockable cpu,
what do i need to look for so that i know its the right one???????