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"Felwynne" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> you still chose the wrong server
>> come to siege perilous and learn what real community means.
> I noticed that on the UO site and was going to read up on it at lunch
> here at work. What makes it more fun?
Despite what the nay-sayers here have already said, firstly, there's no
insurance. That means no safety net, so, yes, you can and will lose items.
However, it also means that:
- there are very few people running around in 100% artifact outfits that
they bought on ebay.
- with a few exceptions, such as the veteran players who can bless ONE item
with a old bless deed, everyone is reliant on armour and weapons that can be
bought, found as loot, or crafted. The combat playing field, while not
perfectly level, is a lot more balanced than standard shards, where you
either need a ton of gold to buy and insure the uber-suit, or to go ebaying.
- there are no irritating banksitters outside West Brit Bank. In fact, WBB
is practically deserted. If you want to trade, do it in the player-run
towns - towns made up of player-owned houses and shops.
Apart from the lack of insurance...
- there is a lot of role-play there. You are more likely to find someone who
doth speak unto thee in this manner than someone who sp33kz t0 yoo lik3
- there is a strong sense of player community, and team spirit. Player
justice, while not perfect, does exist. In some ways, it's a kangaroo court,
but in many ways it does keep newcomers to the shard safer than, for
example, someone who had just lost their 'young' status stepping through the
Fel moongate for the first time on Atlantic.
- unless you become a hermit, there is a strong liklihood that word will
soon spread as to who you are, and what you are like. You actually have a
chance to build a reputation here, in whatever direction you choose.
- Guilds arrange and publicise player-run events, in addition to the normal
EM run events. While some are guild-specific, many are open to all comers.
- Recall does not work, nor does Sacred Journey. Gate is the only way to
travel magically. This means that if you don't want magery, you will rely on
other people's gates (and there will usually be someone willing to offer you
one - just be careful who you trust!) , or go by foot/mount. That's not as
bad as it sounds - there are NOT killers lurking behind every bush, but you
will get to see a lot of the player towns, meet more people, etc. In short -
a more exciting way of playing the game, rather than just magically bouncing
from place to place. There's that nervous feeling of 'who might be waiting
on the other side of the gate I just opened', or 'is this route going to
take me past the vampire guild?' (yes, we have some who role-play vampires.
How well they do it is a matter of opinion.)
- You can not sell to NPCs. However, the other players will buy things from
you - a quick way to get money is cow whacking in Delucca, or sheep shearing
in Yew. People are always looking for bandages, leather, etc. Mining is
still profitable on Siege, and so is lumberjacking. Scribes get fairly
rich - 1000gp per 10 gate scrolls is a fairly common price, and gate scrolls
are always in high demand.
- Red does not always mean evil, and blue does not always mean good. Red
means that you've broken one or more of Lord British's laws, which, if you
read the game fiction, could be taken to mean any number of things. I
regularly meet and talk to several red players, and they do not kill me on
sight. Similarly, there are blues who will go out of their way to get you
killed, using a variety of interesting methods.
I could go on, but the best I can tell you is to have a look for yourself,
and make your own mind up. Generally, if you ask someone what a shard that
they don't play on, (or is not similar to the one they play on) is like, you
will receive a stream of negativity.
Spend a week or two there, and come to your own conclusions.
Two tips if you do choose go there, even for a holiday :
- one, if you choose to use the paladin template, post something on stratics
beforehand, so someone can come and get you off the island of Ocllo -
there's no moongate where the paladins start for some unknown reason.
- two, as soon as you can, find the NEW guild. It's the best start you can
get to the shard - details are at