[citation][nom]xelliz[/nom]Having a friend that works at Gamestop, I have been told that what appears to be the biggest problem with Wii U in terms of sales is that "noone knows what it is." What he means by this is those 50 million non gamers who bought the Wii, don't understand what the Wii U is because they are not gamers and don't follow the same replacement cycle console developers have tricked everyone else into. He said 9 of 10 people who come in looking for a Wii U think its just the controller and after explaining to them its a new system, they don't just leave, they leave confused.Most of the rest of us don't care about the Wii U, unless we want new first party NES games that don't even exist yet.[/citation]
I've heard that theory before and there's probably some truth to it, Nintendo isn't really selling the system well. Honestly your story however just makes me think people sure are stupid these days. Gamestop advertising and any other adverts likely advertise it as a system or console. It's pretty obvious it isn't just a $350 controller. What did they think the Wii was, a "personal massager"?
The fact that any customer would leave the store still confused also says a lot for the salesmanship and information of Gamestop employees. If they came in confused, it's their job to clear up that misinformation and convince them of how awesome the product is. The problem isn't with the car manufacturer if the car salesman can't close the deal.