Gun control advocates are facing a tougher fight to pass further federal gun control legislation than they expected.
Gun control backers struggle to win some Democrats
Mayor "Nanny State" Bloomberg is single-handedly fighting a war on the 2nd Amendment by spending $12 million of his personal dollars to run a national ad campaign aimed to promote federal legislation for "common sense" background checks. However, it is easy for anyone who has read the draconian gun control legislation recently passed in NY State that the measures are anything but common sense. While Mayor Bloomberg thinks his ad campaign is putting pressure on Senators to join his fellow Big Government Progressive Democrats in passing further gun control, he fails to realize that there are still principled Representatives willing to do the job their constituents elected them to do and Democrats who actually believe in the 2nd Amendment...
Moderate Senate Democrats like Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota are shunning Bloomberg as a meddling outsider while stressing their allegiance to their own voters' views and to gun rights..."I do not need someone from New York City to tell me how to handle crime in our state. I know that we can go after and prosecute criminals without the need to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding North Dakotans," Heitkamp said this week, citing the constitutional right to bear arms...
Bloomberg's attempts are targeted at Senators who are up for election next year but are more savvy to maintaining their seat than voting for a single issue...
Mark Pryor of Arkansas...faces re-election next year, and five other Senate Democrats from Republican-leaning or closely divided states do. All six, from Southern and Western states, will face voters whose deep attachment to guns is unshakeable...Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said Wednesday his state's voters tell him, "Don't take away our rights, our individual rights, our guns." Begich said he opposes a strict proposal requiring background checks for nearly all gun sales but will wait to see whether there is a bipartisan compromise he can support..."We have a politically savvy and a loyal voting bloc, and the politicians know that," said Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the NRA...
The fact that 2nd Amendment supporters are largely recognized as being more politically savvy than the typical Progressive demonstrates just how important the 2nd Amendment is to our republic. The fact that 2nd Amendment supporters reach out to their elected representatives as concerned individuals demonstrates this savvy and realization that our freedoms are rooted in the principles of personal responsibility, republicanism, and the inalienable right to self protection. Compare that to the Big Government Progressive Democrats absolute need to rally the usual mob of low-information voters and useful idiots like the SEIU, Obama-maniacs, and Occupy Wall Streeters to give a false sense of urgency to their issue-du jour.
In typical fashion, the Yahoo article regurgitates the usual statistical fallacies and lies about the number of people who support gun control...
Expanding background checks to include gun show sales got 84 percent support in an Associated Press-GfK poll earlier this year....March surveys by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute found more than 9 in 10 people in Florida and Virginia backing expanded background checks
Reading this, one would presume that expanded gun control is "common sense" but the article also follows up with...
Analysts say people support more background checks because they consider it an extension of the existing system. That doesn't translate to unvarnished support from lawmakers
This telling follow up, written intentionally to be dismissive, understates the very statistics that Big Government Progressive Democrats want you to believe shows that the People are in favor of additional gun control and background checks. However, anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills recognizes the significant difference between the electorate supporting an extension and enforcement of existing gun control laws from additional and more restrictive gun control legislation.
So, the while progressive Democrats widely claim a false sense of superior morality over those they wish to rule over, the pundits even recognize that just because you *might* be able to pass gun control legislation that it does not actually translate into the real world of *needing* to pass further gun control legislation. This mindset, that the Big Government Progressive Elites (like Mayor Bloomberg) know what is better for the People than the People themselves is a cornerstone of most legislation proposed and passed by Progressives.
Maryland, New York, and Colorado have all passed knee-jerk gun control legislation in the wake of Newtown, CT despite the opposition and the will of the People. Several other States have proposed gun control legislation pending Committee or a vote before the State Senate. The question is, are Big Government Progressive Democrats and gun control Nanny State zealots like Mayor Bloomberg going to determine the laws the People live under or are the People going to live in a republican form of government.