Recently, a Youtube video was circulating which caught some off-microphone comments being made by NJ State Legislators. These representatives of the people did not know that the microphone was on. Basically, these servants of the people of NJ were caught talking about their gun control strategy with one of them (reportedly State Senator Loretta Weinberg) clearly responding to what further legislation is needed with, "Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate!"
A smoking gun? Senator Weinberg denies confiscation quote
In the above linked article, Senator Weinberg denies it was her voice (not that she would openly admit to it anyway) and says it could have been a staffer or any else near the open mike. Fair enough, being audio only, it is difficult to prove exactly who said it.
Regardless, the simple fact that NJ Legislators were talking about what new gun laws were needed and someone responded with "confiscate" is extremely disturbing.
Thankfully, it is these open mike gaffs that allow the People to realize what is truly in the hearts and minds of their Representatives.
Given the laws passed in New York, Colorado, Maryland, and the ongoing push in New Jersey; it is just one part of the concerted Democrat/Progressive march towards total and complete nationwide gun control. As I've said before, this effort to stop the legal ownership of firearms by private citizens is the greatest threat to our liberty and sovereignty as a free people and a free country. Even if guns are not your thing, you should be concerned that other liberties and freedoms will be the next to fall under the guise of public safety, saving the children, and stopping the bad guys.
Call, write, email your State and Federal Representatives and express your support for the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution.