NJ Gun Control Legislation; Coming Soon to a State Near You?

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Actually the wild west wasnt so wild, because there were so many guns.
The answer comes with legislation that will prevent a family member from killing another family member with the firsts own guns, then taking them to go on a killing spree without harming the 2nd amendment rights of everyone.
We can argue everyone has the right to every amendment, but not this one.
Why is that?
Abortion, according to many people kill more in a month than gun violence in and entire year, yet the right to an abortion would never be questioned so.
The current ongoing talk and legislation does nothing to actually change any of these mass murders, we all understand this, yet some try to make out gun owners and the NRA as unrealistic, some even crazy.
The people whove used guns and bombs are being heralded by the left in movie after movie, coming your way via hollywood, as they procure jobs in lofty places, the murderers themselves.
If you place the killer of an abortion clonic doctor into a prized fellowship at Columbia University, then I would say the gun owners have gone too far, but instead, its the left who have done this very thing.
This then to me comes down to nothing but politics, not common sense.
The laws being pushed arent about common sense, they too come from the left.

The common sense here lies with the states, and their right to oversee gun possession/ownership/capability.
Extending these rights, not laws to be governed by the feds isnt the answer, as the left/right equation and its politics is dampened within a state, where common sense often has to prevail, or the states leaders wont be leaders soon, not so on the federal level, where theyve taken on everything from watching snails mate, and sending the monies to do so, to trying to figure out how animals think, and sending the monies to do so.

Far far better and easier done at the state level.
Recently, weve seen Mr BO going to Colorado giving speeches with victims of shootings there, weve seen him go to Connecticut, giving speeches with victims of shottings there, I ask, why not go to Rockford county NY, and have the victims of the weather underground shootings there and give his speech on gun control?
Maybe even have Pat Guinan, the get away driver in those shootings speak?
Or have Robert Redford speak there as well?
Maybe a special appearance from Angela Davis as well.

I am not kidding here, as we need to know what company the left is keeping, how they justify murderer acomplices and vilify others with mental problems.
we need to know.
If they didnt have their bombs and guns, they wouldnt have been able to do that which is somehow ever so important to the left, and I for one would like to know just how these radicals would have achieved their star status amongst the left without them, given the bans the left would wish to have?
Point here is, the 2nd amendment is to do this very thing, guns arent just for self protection from criminals, but from an overbearing, unstable, non representative government as well.
So, by raising these radicals up, and approving what they did for the reasons they believe were acceptable to them, is the very same thing as the second amendment, and thus it shouldnt be messed with.
There is no difference, unless of course, killing the police for political reasonings, innocent cops at that, armed guards etc, and people say, in a movie theatre make it so.
You cant have both libs, you make no sense to me, regardless of whos a whacko and whos a internal terrorist/activist
The anti-gun crowd is all up in arms and trying like hell to make sure that universal background checks make it through the Senate during tomorrow's, 4/11, impending vote.

Anyone familiar with existing Federal and State laws recognize that universal background checks amount to feel-good-look-at-what-voted-for legislation so liberals, progressives, and Democrats can crow and swoon their base and supporting constituency. Those who know realize that additional background checks will do nothing to prevent a psycho bent on killing innocents from carrying out their desires.

Regardless of this, the Senate will vote on universal background checks. The chances are slim, but the possibility exists that it could pass. Woe to us all if it does. But the real reason (and their are several correct answers) why passing universal background checks will never be enough to stop a psycho from going on a gun-spraying rampage comes down to two simple things; the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 and the technology used by the BATFE to track firearms.

The Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 prohibits the deployment of a centralized federal database of gun owners or firearms registration. I doubt many of the anti-gun crown realizes this law exists let alone the history and reasons why it was passed in the first place.

Aside from the 1986 law, the more important reason why universal background checks will fail is the technology the BATFE uses to track firearms. The BATFE tracing system is based on 1960's mainframe technology and is largely a manual process that uses records kept on micr-fiche! When local or State law enforcement contacts the BATFE to trace and illegally possessed firearms it can take up to 5 days or longer for the BATFE to respond. That's not good enough considering the BATFE processed 350,000 requests in 2012 and the fact that Obama signed an Executive Orders in January 2013 that requires that all gun confiscated in criminal investigations be run through the BATFE tracing system.

For the sake of argument, let's suppose that the anti-gun idiots get their wish, two things will be apparent. The 1986 law stands in their way from creating the type and scope database necessary to make universal background checks successful, and the technology upgrade the BATFE would require will be years away from becoming a reality. Even if the anti-gun crowd repeals or circumvents the 1986 law, the technology upgrade to create the proper database the BATFE would need is considered cost prohibitive (starting at $4 Million) and is one in a long list of technology upgrades the BATFE is currently involved in. This does not even take into account the BATFE/FBI budget cuts as a result of sequestration.

So, while I fear a federal database and believe a federal universal background check to be asinine, the fact remains that even if the anti-gun goofballs pass universal background checks, the 1986 law and the sad state of technology currently used by the BATFE and FBI will all but guarantee any universal background checks to end up failed and feel good legislation.


The current proposed legislation that flew in the Newtown people, if it went into full effect as is without ANY changes whatsoever, would not have prevented the Adam Lanza shooting.

Background checks would have still cleared his mother to purchase then gun and lawfully transfer it to her son without a background check. Therefore, as previously stated, flying in the Newton families was a media stunt and nothing more.
“In this day and age people are alarmed when they see someone with what you have [a rifle],” one of the officers replies, noting that someone had called the police. “They don’t care what the law is.”

“Do ​you​ care what the law is?” Grisham shoots back.

From your link OMG
That says it all, and the appologists will say this is OK, and something a certain group of people will just have to put up with, yet profiling isnt allowed, hand guns cant be talked about etc.

I counter with this
IF the police had let him go, IF they had come to some kind of agreement where understanding of both sides could be met, which in this case, the guy carrying the weapons knew what it meant to come across men carrying weapons, much more so than these rookies, appreciation from both sides could have been had.
BUT, the police had to be right, now thew question is, will the courts hold this same position?
If so, this speaks terribly to America, and worse for libs where they gained authority and strength and sympathy for police treatment towards the current leaders of the 60s and 70s, yet they can make no such correlations

I agree that the cop was an overzealous douche bag without any regard for common courtesy and should have his badge taken away simply for being an asshole. Obviously the cop is not familiar with the law he is suppose to enforce. There are no laws in Texas prohibiting the open carry of rifles and other long guns.

The guy may still have issues because Texas allows for concealed carry for pistols but not open carry of pistols. If they wanted to get this guy on a technicality, they could get him for open carry of the pistol. But there is no law stopping him from openly carrying his rifle.

Incidentally, Texas is reviewing their carry laws to allow for open carry as well as concealed carry. The bill has passed the Senate but has not been signed into law.
The more I follow the recent gun control efforts at the Federal level, the more it becomes apparent that the anti-gunner's efforts may be dying a slow and painful death.

Harry Reid has all but admitted that he does not have the support or number of votes to move forward with a comprehensive gun control package and had no choice but to break down the Feinstein wish list into individual votes. Thankfully Feinstein had her butt handed to her over her latest AWB, especially since she has openly admitted the intended purpose is to dry up the firearm and ammunition supply to the point where no firearms could be purchased by civilians as well as create a national gun registry of all grand-fathered gun owners. Even the most popular "background check" legislation is having a hard time securing an adequate number of votes to pass the Senate, let alone the House. The notion that universal background checks are supported by a majority of Americans is just another demonstration of media bias and progressive lies about the issue.

But what I've really noticed is that as the days/weeks tick by, the anti-gun zealots are getting more and more desperate with their tactics. Their anti-gun rhetoric and media hype has pretty much reached the point of ridiculousness. Here's an article and video as reported by Business Insider that shows just how desperate they have become; What Massacres Would Look Like If Gunmen Used 18th Century Muskets.
One thing I like about Feinstein is, she is often very open about some things, and not afraid to call it as she wants/sees it.
Tho I am opposed to on many levels, she is much appreciated for her candor and approach. If only her follow thru were similar, but she like most in both parties dont see things thru, and money and corruption prevail
It happened just as I figured...the background check that anti-gun zealots claimed was supported by 90% of Americans FAILED to get the requisite 60 votes to pass in the Senate.

The only folks who were surprised by the failed vote were the anti-gunners themselves. Just more proof that they believe using victims as props and continued lies about "common sense gun control" and "stopping violence" doesn't stand up to the American tradition of the 2nd Amendment.

The final vote count was 54-46 with 4 Democrats voting against the measure. In an interesting turn, four Republicans voted for the expanded checks with the turncoat McCain leading the charge as the primary Republican sell-out.

In typical fashion, Obama convened to the Rose Garden and held a press conference surrounded by anti-gun Senators and the parents of the Newtown shooting victims as props to his rhetoric, Obama declared the no vote was a "...shameful day for Washington" continuing on with the typical grousing and whining about it being politics, not about common sense gun measures, and about continuing the cycle of gun violence.

As usual, the anti-gun extremists vowed to target the Democrats who voted against universal background checks by targeting them with hate ads and fliers. The Huffington Post wasted no time in publishing one of the first of many articles, Gun Bill Background Check Amendment Fails, Other Key Provisions To Follow, aimed at lambasting the four Democrats who voted against the expanded background checks.

Ultimately, this attempt to target these four Democrats constituency with ads and rhetoric will fail due to one simple reason, it was their constituents who wanted to them to vote against it!

Unfortunately, this is not the end as there are several more anti-gun measures that will be voted on by the Senate like large capacity magazines and the brass ring of an all out assault weapons ban. As declared by Obama during the Rose Garden junket, "I see this as just Round One."

Talk about the Liberals just not getting it...

You know, it have to agree with you.

At least we know for a fact that Feinstein wants to disarm the American people and make it impossible for civilians to own firearms. I'll take a politician who tells me something I hate to a turncoat RINO like McCain any day!
And the media couldnt understand why republicans werent fired up with McCain nomination before.
They dont get it.
The anti gun lobby dont get it
Too many out of touch, just as was Jay Carney was hours before the vote.
The polls say, 4% of the people think guns are an important issue needing change, no more than N Korea.

I say let the president waste his valuable clout on this, since the real problems arent being addressed, and wont be, by the very fear and monster theyve created, political correctness, like hand guns maybe?
Who uses them?
How are they obtained prior to being used in a crime.
And legislation that would actually help this, starting with penalty
3 strikes has its place, I wouldnt go 2 here
The anti-gun liberals are really have their panties in a tizzy since the Senate voted down universal background checks. Their level of rhetoric is reaching all time highs and just stink of ignorance, outright lies, and complete desperation. Here's a link to a Yahoo article which goes as far as claiming the NRA is soft on crime and actually supports allowing criminals to have illegal firearms. How anyone considers this drivel news worthy is beyond me.

Soft on Crime: Protecting the 'Second Amendment Rights' of Thugs and Terrorists

In other efforts to erode civil liberty and constitutional rights, our great and fearless overlord Obama has decided to act on his own through Executive Order. Since the Whiner-in-Chief did not get what he wanted from Congress he is once again acting on his own and usurping Congressional procedure to enforce 23 Executive Orders signed in January 2013 to further restrict a Constitutional right, erode the 4th Amendment, and completely ignore State's rights. You can read the latest acts of progressive democrat anti-constitutionalists in the article; Obama taking action on gun background check system.

Blocked by Congress from expanding gun sale background checks...the Obama administration was starting a process Friday aimed at removing barriers in health privacy laws that prevent some states from reporting information to the background check system...Stung by the defeat, Obama vowed to keep up the fight for the background check expansion but also to do what he could through executive action..."Even without Congress, my administration will keep doing everything it can to protect more of our communities", Obama said. "We're going to address the barriers that prevent states from participating in the existing background check system"...Since 1968, federal law has banned the sale of guns to those who have been deemed a danger to themselves or others...in 1996 Congress passed HIPAA...Under HIPAA, health care providers such as hospitals may release limited information to police, but only in certain circumstances such as when a court is involved...Last year's review by the Government Accountability Office found that the number of mental health records available to the background check system increased 800 percent since 2004...Obama is interested in a change that would specifically allow disclosure of mental health records for the system, and he wants to increase financial incentives for states to contribute the information.

Great! Just friggin' great! So, to in order to "make our communities safer", our great overlord Obama is going to usurp Congressional procedure, violate the 4th Amendment, and ignore State's rights, and buy the complicity of our elected representatives in order to remove the HIPAA privacy laws that are preventing him and the anti-gun zealots from getting what they want. Sadly, these anti-Constitution anti-gun extremists are willfully ignorant of existing federal laws passed in 1968 and in 2007; the very same laws they swore an oath to uphold.

It is only a liberal mind-set that believes a new law is necessary when enforcing the existing law is all that's needed. It is only a liberal progressive mind-set that believes in order to make the People safer, the People must forgo their civil liberties and Constitutional Rights.
Theres been several mentions of this, not just MSNBC, other leftist sites and rags have said this very thing.
The reasoning follows, if theyre white it isnt terrorism, if its anything else by anyone else, it is.
I say, I will say theyre right, but not before I call them a biggot, and dont make me out as a white uncle Tom.

All I can say is thank goodness that it wasn't a white conservative Tea Party type who set off the bombs.

From the latest reports, it seems these brothers were from Chechnya and were radicalized Muslims. But who knows for sure given how effed up the media has mis-reported this entire event.

I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that the 4.5 million people in the greater Boston area are effectively living under martial law while they track down just one man. I say let the people of Boston police their own neighborhoods and offer a reward for his live capture. Yes, I said that...time to deputize the neighborhood watch.
rey, how many hunters do you know?
If not, then Aussies are different from us yanks.
Would you be willing to give up rights to help? Not privileges but rights.

The waiting period, this guys response, first, he appears to be a metro sexual, second, why wait?
The guy said, an automatic waiting period accomplishes only a pain when it doent apply.
If those selling legal guns illegally, then isnt it up to the governments main responsibility, at least in the US, and that is to defend and protect its citizens?
The laws are on the books, the government would rather meaninglessly forfeit our rights instead of enforcement?
He sounds like a lil nanny metro boy making sure youre punished in some way by waiting at the very least.
Tell that to anyone wanting their rights.

This country, its people are different.
When Aussies give up the right to fish, then maybe we can get close to a comparison, til then, apples arent oranges

Hahaha! John Stewart is a great satirist.

Australians do not, and never did have, the right to bear arms, nor did they carry guns with the same frequency, as citizens of the United States do. So, in the end, it was no big deal for the government to take away a right the People never had.
The NJ State Senate will be hearing the first round of proposed 14 gun control bills, today, 4/30/2013.

Even if you are NOT a firearms owner or a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, you should care about legislation like this because it is the epitome of how the government process can strip you of your rights without your input.

A1613 establishes a 15-member Educational Security Task Force to assist the State Board of Education in developing Statewide security guidelines and standards for New Jersey school districts. The goal of the guidelines and standards will be to empower public schools to develop plans, procedures, and tools to provide safe and secure learning environments for students and district employees.
- OP Comment: Most if not all NJ school already have plans in place although they are at the District level and not mandated by the State and passes the the cost onto the tax payer. This bill is proposed as a reactionary measure to the Newtown shooting and under the belief that increasing the existing police presence and security measures would prevent such a shooting.

A3583 establishes a 15-member School Security Task Force to study and develop recommendations to improve school security and safety, and ensure a safe learning environment for students and school employees. The task force will identify physical and cyber vulnerabilities and potential breaches of security in the public schools, and make appropriate recommendations to improve school security. The task force will study issues including, but not limited to: placing screening systems at school entrances; stationing police officers in each school building; improving response times to emergency situations including lockdowns, active shooter, and bomb threats; requiring advanced student and visitor identification cards; using biometric, retina, or other advanced recognition systems for authorized entrance into school buildings; installing panic alarms in school buildings to alert local law enforcement authorities to emergency situations; securing computer networks to prevent cyber attacks; scheduling periodic patrols of school buildings and grounds by local law enforcement officers; and hardening the school perimeter and building entryways.
- OP Comment: in combination with A1613 this introduces unnecessary and draconian security measures and requirements for students, parents, and visitors to enter our schools. This bill also passes the cost onto the tax payer. This bill is proposed as a reactionary measure to the Newtown shooting and under the belief that increasing the existing police presence and security measures would prevent such a shooting.

A3645 would require that all ammunition sales and transfers be consummated as face-to-face transactions.
- OP Comment: This bill would require that all sales or transfers of ammunition are done solely on a face-to-face basis and make all mail order, internet, telephone, and all other anonymous methods of purchasing ammunition a 4th degree offense punishable by up to 18 months in prison and/or a $10,000 fine. This is an egregious overstep of government regulation of a product that is/was/and always has been perfectly legal to purchase anonymously. This bill also exempts law enforcement agencies and officials from the law. So, it's okay for a Police Chief to purchase bulk ammo anonymously but illegal for the citizen.

A3646 establishes a regulatory scheme for the sale and transfer of ammunition in New Jersey.
- OP Comment: This bill is also intended to ban the private sale of ammunition and limit the sale of ammunition to licensed dealers only. Violators of bill makes private ammunition sales a 4th Degree crime punishable by up to 18 months in prison and/or a $10,000 fine. This bill also limits gun/ammo dealers to sell ammunition only only Firearms ID card holders. However, existing requirements are that gun and ammunition dealers must witness the buyers Firearms ID card and record the buyers driver's license number at the time of sale. Law enforcement agencies and officials are exempt from the

A3666 would make mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer illegal in New Jersey.
- OP Comment: this on is self explanatory.

A3687 would disqualify a person named on the consolidated Terrorist Watchlist maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Terrorist Screening Center from being issued either a firearm’s identification card or a permit to purchase a handgun.
- OP Comment: This bill is just draconian. This expands the existing NJ background check to to include the Federal Terrorist Watchlist. The Watchlist check is in addition to the existing FBI background check that is already done on anyone who applies for a NJ Firearms ID card and/or Permit to Purchase a Handgun. This Watchlist has proven to be flawed as it has mistakenly recorded Senators, children, and the elderly as being terrorists. The recent defeat of the Senate universal background check bill has shown that increased background checks are unpopular and would not prevent any shootings from occurring.

A3717 requires the State to submit certain mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
- OP Comment: Submitting mental health records is a volunteer effort by each State and this bill would make it a requirement. Today, anyone applying for a NJ Firearms ID Card and/or Permit to Purchase a Handgun is subject to State and Federal Criminal background check and a State level only mental health check. This bill expands the existing mental health check from the State to the Federal Level. This is in direct violation to Federal HIPAA Privacy Laws as it would require that hospitals and doctors report a patient's mental health records to the Federal Government. This bill also ignores a previous State initiative to implement improvements to the electronic reporting system.

A3750 would further regulate the sale of ammunition and requires information relating to all such retail sales and transfers be recorded and readily available to law enforcement.
- OP Comment: This bill requires the Superintendent of State Police to establish an electronic reporting program for dealers to record their sales and transfers of ammunition on a real time basis. The register is to include the name, address, age, type of documentation exhibited to establish their eligibility to purchase, the caliber or gauge of the ammunition sold, the numerical amount of ammunition transferred in the sale, and any other information the superintendent deems necessary. THIS IS THE EPITOME OF GUN REGISTRATION! Under current law, the dealer is required to keep records of all ammunition sales and MUST submit them to State and Local police upon request during the course of an investigation.

A3772 requires that firearms purchaser identification cards display a digitalized color picture of the card holder and mandates that the card be renewed every five years. Under current law, in order to purchase a rifle or shotgun, a person must have a valid firearm purchaser identification card (FPIC). A firearm purchaser identification card has no expiration date and does not display a picture of the card holder.
- OP Comment: Today, a Firearms ID card is issued for life and has no picture. Today, in order to obtain a Firearms ID Card, the person applying must provide a valid NJ drivers photo license and the address on the drivers license MUST match the address on the application. This opens the door for State and Local police to deny a person's 2nd Amendment rights upon subsequent application. This also opens the door in the unintended consequence of making a citizen once legally able to purchase firearms as being illegal if the Firearms ID Card is not renewed.

A3796 bill establishes a 90-day period for a person who unlawfully possesses a handgun, rifle, or shotgun or who possesses an unlicensed or unregistered assault firearm to dispose of that firearm by transferring it, voluntarily surrendering it, or, in the case of an assault firearm, rendering it inoperable.
- OP Comment: This provides a 90 day amnesty to sell, surrender, or make firearms inoperable anyone who currently illegally possesses firearms or anyone who becomes unable to legally own firearms as a result of passing future gun control legislation. This amnesty is just plain stupid.

S2430 declares violence a public health crisis, recommends the expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes a Study Commission on Violence to study the trends of violence, the source of violence, and the impact of violence on the community, to develop a method to address the epidemic of violence at the federal and State levels, and to make recommendations for Congressional and State action.

S2476 would require that all ammunition sales and transfers be consummated as face-to-face transactions.
- OP Comment: Senate version of the Assembly bill.

S2485 would disqualify a person named on the consolidated Terrorist Watchlist maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Terrorist Screening Center from being issued either a firearm’s identification card or a permit to purchase a handgun.
- OP Comment: Senate version of the Assembly bill.

S2492 bill requires the State to submit certain mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
- OP Comment: Senate version of the Assembly bill.
So, they trample all over the constitution, destroy businesses in an attempt to curb maniacs from killing people with guns, not knives or bombs, which it appears many with no such restrictions can be made, and you can get away, unlike using a gun.
Until such people, meaning all of us are required to give up certain health records for various potential violent purchases of solvents, fertilizers, nails, ball bearings, pressure cookers, fireworks etc etc, or for any other reasons, such as lessor things, like privileges such as riding a bycycle, driving a car, a motorized boat, lawnmower, the pruchase of gasoline.......

The supported answers to gun violence using these means shows only out of control legislation and legislators are attempting to try and deal with something they arent equipped to do.
Some of this is against federal law, which supercedes state law and will be attacked and put down once theres someone responsible as an attorney general, so at best, short lived, at worst, the same legislators who would vote for such anti American laws get re elected.
Jaydeejohn, this isn't about reducing violence. This is all about the ruling class trying to do what every other tyrannical regime has ever done- try to remove any threat that could remove it from power. They certainly have read the Federalist Papers and it has scared them silly because they sure as hell know *they* are the tyrants whose blood needs to be shed to water the Tree of Liberty Jefferson spoke about. Thus, these tyrants try to convince the low-information voters through the mainstream media that the Second Amendment is only about hunting (in red states) or only applies to the military and police (blue states) and try to wheedle as much Constitution-shredding legislation through as they can.

A bumper sticker I saw today summed this up well- it was a quote from a foreign country's leader saying that there would be little crime now that universal gun control and registration were instituted. The leader in question was Adolf Hitler in 1935. 'Nuff said.
I love these people who advocate a ban on .50 cal rifles, based on a n arbitrary number. Here in CA, .50bmg is banned, but a Frenchman came up with a round called .510DTC, almost the exact same bullet, velocity, casing, but it gets around the law. Because that's all the law is, based on an arbitrary number that makes you "feel good"