No connections available


Jun 2, 2012
I hope this is the right section. I have a gigabyte motherboard that I've used for around a year no, and it's worked fine until yesterday when the Ethernet port just stopped working.

I have tried resetting CMOS, updating and rescuing bios, cleaning port, changing cord between 3.

The router shows that there is something there but the port it's plugged into is blinking. It's a net gear router. The router works fine for other devices.

I have also removed the on board battery for half an hour to no avail, and when I run smart LAN it says detecting at port and spits outcome Satan all ending in 0m

Any help would be much appreciated, I really need my computer

Thanks in advanced
When you say it stopped working I assume you mean there is no connection to the internet?

If so, and given other devices work I can only think of a few causes. Also for it to be so sudden is unusual from my experiences.

1. IP address problem
To check IP address:
-Control Panel > Network and Internet > View Network Status > Local Area Connection > Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 > Properties

-If you use DHCP make sure Obtain IP address automatically is checked and Obtain DNS server is checked.

-If you use a static address make sure all fields are entered with the correct address.

2. Default gateway address lost
-Same as step one but only relevant if you use a static IP. If so make sure the default gateway is that of your routers IP address.

3. Hardware failure on motherboard NIC (unlikely but not impossible)
-Unlikely from my experience. Check to see if LED is flashing of the NIC port of your motherboard. Also a failure could be more subtle. This is the worst case though.

4. Out of date drivers
-This may cause slow network traffic. I have never seen it but could possibly stop the NIC from working.

5. Disabled NIC from within OS
-Control Panel > Network and Internet > View Network Status > Local Area Connection. There should be a button that either says "Enable" or "Disable". If it says "Enable" then your LAN connection is disabled, click the button the re-enable it.

6. Faulty Ethernet cable
-Try a different cable that you know works.

I am unable to manage the connection as there is none being detected. The green connected light on the port is off. I have tried a few different cords that work on other devices. I have uninstalled and reinstalled drivers both original disc drivers and ones from gigabyte website. It's acting like the Ethernet cord is unplugged when it isn't I am starting to think that the Ethernet port is either loose or faulty. I've tried to wiggle it around but the light remains off. I know that a good amount of people have had this issue on gigabyte boards so I'm hoping I'm just missing something. If someone understands the smart LAN in bios and can tell me what it's supposed to say if the port is good then maybe we can figure out what the data Otis giving me means. Thanks for the fast reply.

Edit: yes there is no Internet connection, it doesn't even detect the cable to make one