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"Read this guide, read that guide xyz... ". I did red this guide word by word and followed every single step which is mentioned. The reason why I am posting my thread is that I need some serious help.
My pc won't turn on after cleaning up. Last time I used it was 2 days ago before cleaning. When I press power button my fans spins normally and I get "check video cable" on my monitor. My keyboard and mouse are non responding. I only have this pc for my college studies. If y'all can help me fix it, it would make my studies alot easier.
My Specs:
Cpu: Intel Xeon E3 1271 V3
Gpu: AMD HD Radeon 7000
Ram: 16gb (1600mhz) ddr3
Motherboard: Gigabyte h81m-ds2v
Cpu cooler: id-cooling xt 214 se argb
Storage devices: 1tb hdd, 300gb hdd, 128gb ssd
Video of my pc:
Photos of my pc:
Thread '"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist'
"Read this guide, read that guide xyz... ". I did red this guide word by word and followed every single step which is mentioned. The reason why I am posting my thread is that I need some serious help.
My pc won't turn on after cleaning up. Last time I used it was 2 days ago before cleaning. When I press power button my fans spins normally and I get "check video cable" on my monitor. My keyboard and mouse are non responding. I only have this pc for my college studies. If y'all can help me fix it, it would make my studies alot easier.
My Specs:
Cpu: Intel Xeon E3 1271 V3
Gpu: AMD HD Radeon 7000
Ram: 16gb (1600mhz) ddr3
Motherboard: Gigabyte h81m-ds2v
Cpu cooler: id-cooling xt 214 se argb
Storage devices: 1tb hdd, 300gb hdd, 128gb ssd
Video of my pc:
Photos of my pc:
Thread '"No POST", "system won't boot", and "no video output" troubleshooting checklist'
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