Question No Signal, Long Running Issue


Dec 26, 2020
My specs are as follows:

Mobo: b550 pro-vdh wifi
Cpu- ryzen 5 5600x
Gpu: asus rtx 2060
Psu: Seasonic focus px-750
Ram: 2 x 8gb corsair vengeance

Whenever I boot up my PC the monitor goes from no cable input detected to no signal.

This issue has been long running since around last December. Originally, I believed it to be a PSU issue, so I got a new PSU switching from an EVGA 750 watt bq to the Seasonic focus px-750. The issue persisted which made me think that perhaps the Graphics card simply had broken in some way, so I RMA'd it. Same story, and I just got my Motherboard back after RMAing it.

Everything here should be working, it boots perfectly fine and I've tested it with and without each stick of RAM. I really have no clue why this no signal issue could still be occurring unless both my HDMI cables are busted or my monitor somehow broke? Or maybe something else, but since it boots fine and the keyboard has input control.. I doubt its the CPU.

Need help desperately.
Do you know what BIOS version your motherboard is currently running? Also, did you do a clean install of Windows when you swapped motherboards?

I'm not sure anymore since I RMA'd it. Its still the same type of motherboard, though I'm not sure if its the exact same one that I sent in.
Do you know what BIOS version your motherboard is currently running? Also, did you do a clean install of Windows when you swapped motherboards?
just checked online and my windows version should still be up to date. And I just flashed the Bios update to latest... Issue still present
Another update, just checked my monitor and HDMI cables by connecting them to Switch Dock. They both work and it displayed it perfectly fine, seems that the issue lies elsewhere.