No video from motherboard, new PSU...sort of


May 9, 2009
I took some parts out of an old gateway I have for another PC, namely the Hard drive and PSU.
Today I tried putting a PSU and hard drive back into it.
When I power it on it seems like its trying to boot up but I never get any video output.
I tried reseting the cmos, using the onboard video, using 1 stick of ram, triple checking that all the connections where set, I even went so far as to take the mobo out of the case and visually inspect it for burn marks to see if it somehow fried.
But still no video.
I took out the 4 pin 12v connector out of the motherboard and tried booting it up, What happens is kind of odd (not that I know a huge amount about computers) but it turns on (still no video) but all the fans are going at 100% speed.
When I start it up with the 4 pin 12v in the mobo its sounds like the fans run at maybe 50% or so.
Also with no ram in the motherboard it doesnt beep. I read a forum that said it should beep with no ram...
When I hold the power button to power down the PC the fan in the back of the case turns off but not the CPU fan.
To make that turn off I have to manually hit the switch on the PSU itself. When I do the pc makes a small beeping noise that fades as it loses power, other than that it doesnt make a sound.
Idk how much this will help but this is the mobo and this is the cpu

[Edited for clarity]
Oh sorry I was merely trying to say that i basicly took parts from my old gateway for a new PC.
The pc that is giving me problems is the old gateway, I took a hard drive i had lying around and put the original PSU back into it agian but now I get no video.
The list afterwards is all things i tried after reading various "I get no video" posts from other forums.
None of these worked for me so I asked here to see if anyone had any other ideas
So you are saying this?

You had a Gateway that you removed the HD, DVD burner, and PSU from for a new build.

Eventually you returned the PSU, and put in an old HD from another build.

So now, in this Gateway, you have what?

Video card?
PSU Antec 550W


Is there a floppy drive connected? Used to be, if you plugged the cable in backwards you get no POST.

Make sure the pins on the IDE HD are set to master or perhaps cable select.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but it looks as if your board does come with a little Piezo speaker down in the corner by the USB headers? Can you confirm that? It's a little round black can with a hole in the middle.

Did you re-seat the video card and check the 6-pin PCI-E power connection? I think you did, but I have to ask.

Do you get any beeps at all out of the board?

You say you tried the onboard video, but was that before or after the CMOS reset?

If all that has been don/tried then it seems like the motherboard is gone.


Yes thats a speaker on the bottom right of the board. The only time it makes noise is when I manually turn the PSU off.
The card doesnt have any sort of power connection that I can see, it might be older than an 8800. Not sure since it doesnt say on the card lol.
I tried the onboard video both before and after CMOS reset, no dice either time.
I dont have a floppy connected so I dont think thats it.
I also tried my original hard drive to see if that made a difference but it doesnt seem too.
Meh I guess its a bad mobo, a shame I had been using it just shy of 4 weeks ago before i took parts out of it. ah well such is life.
Thanks for your help :)