$150 for a lifetime heatsink that will be supported on many sockets. Buy new fans after 10 years or something, IDK - they freaking last.
Buy a more affordable or expensive(your call) AIO, the lifetime of which both pump and fans is finite. They are leak resistant, not leak-proof.
We don't share the same value of the buck either, which affects purchasing decisions, and probably never will. Things like, "how much does cost matter if you can set it and forget it?", or "so what if something needs replacing every so often, if you have a steady income?"
I could see myself buying one for my overdue platform upgrade, but not without seeing some reviews first.
Support, R&D costs?
They gotta be giving their attention - perhaps too much - to certain details that other brands are skipping, or not focusing as much on. Things we might not be seeing as a big deal.
Like, why have we yet to see any white fans or heatsinks from them, but black has been fine? Is there more to black and white paints besides colors?
There's sound profiles too:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7ia_FZcthQ