Noob question and its weird


Jul 1, 2010
I have a i7 930 on P6x58d MOBO and 2 gtx 470's in sli with a Noctua D14 cooler and 12gb of ram and it is all powered by a corsair 1000hx.
I managed to get a stable 4 ghz oc on the CPU and then decided to start a oc on my gpu. I applied the oc to the gpu and looked stable in Kombustor but after running a benchmark of FFXIV my score was ridiculously low compared to before my CPU oc. So I lowered my gpu oc back to stock and that did not improve my performance. So right now I am kinda confused and lost. This is my 1st build and 1st time ocing a CPU so I was wondering if there is a setting that I enabled/disabled that is killing my gpu performance?
Pretty sure the FFXIV bench has issues and I think I read it doesn't properly support multi GPU configurations. You should run other benchmarks, like Vantage or even check your FurMark/Kombustor benchmark scores, or game benchmarks like RE5, AVP, Crysis, STALKER, Dirt 2 etc.
ok but why would my score drop from 5500 to just over 2000.... That doesn't seem like anything to do with the benchmark and also I don't have a score to go off from with the other benchmarks.
12gb of RAM? Overkill much? :pt1cable: (sorry, couldnt help)

I have went through similar situations as you, I can't explain WHY it does it, but it seems after OC'ing too much your computer will actually suffer than if you have a lower, but more 'stable' overclock...

Same thing is even MORE true for the GPU, I noticed that when I OC'ed it to the max, it was stable, and games wouldn't crash...but I would get fps dips to 5-20fps every 10sec...when I downclocked it (from max OC settings) by 20+ MHz, the game returned to normal.

The trick here, is that even a 'stable' overclock can produce problems when going to play actual games (or benchmark from them), even though say Prime95 or someother worker program said you have a stable OC. :ange:

Just FYI, I think that processor at 3.4GHz will be enough to stop it from being a bottleneck. :sol:

:bounce: Happy OC'ing! :bounce:

Yeah i was thinking the same so I removed the OC on my CPU and wha la it was fixed so I will give it another go I think it might go better if I put in the correct timing for my ram and not let xmp set it?
Yes, when overclocking the CPU (which should be first on the list), you want to leave everything else at stock or below settings.

That way, when things go bad, only the CPU can be the culprit...

Then you can try to OC the RAM...and then GPU...and w/e there is to OC.

But still, always 1 item at a time! 😗

Enabling XMP automatically enters the max settings for your ram, but if you want to enter the exact same settings, then that of course is up to you.

As to the large difference in score, did you per chance run the second benchmark at 1080p, and the first (and third one) at 720p as that would explain it?