Normal CPU?

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how can u be so dumb? its compressed air, its not acid or anything spray it anywhere inside ur computer and only worry if somthing blows off. in my experience everything that gets a lot of dust on it is very solid and has fans on it, so at most ull spin the fans with the air... so u may wanna buy new fans because itd be unsafe to run them afterwords...

Fans that have ran with lot of dust will likely be worn by the fact they ran out of balance for a while. The dust might prevent to run fast enough to fail, but once cleaned, they'll likely start to make noise and fail
further urging me to tell u to go to and order a computer off there site, if u dont know that blowing air onto a fan is good or bad, u should in no way shape or form be allowed to even open the side of ur case to get to said fans, people like you need to be put into soft white rooms
damn... im serious! im gonna go to another forum because on this1, there is too much @$$holes like you.
i dont wanna spend 300$ on another computer if i can do it free..
do every1 here a favor... shut up and read.
1 turn off ur computer / unplug it / take off side cover
2 take a can of compressed air
3 blow the air over the dusty areas
4 replace the side cover
5 plug in computer and power on

if that isnt specific enough do as i told u and go spend 300 dollars on a computer every 3 months when it has too much dust on it to run properly, because obviously you have no common sense and dont realize that dust is heavy and causes fans to slow down and heatsinks to be less efficent... i trust you dont know what a heatsink is but its the giant metal thing hanging off the cpu (doubt u know what a cpu is either) do us a favor and go to a different forum because pointless questions like this deserve to be made fun of.
Its not a pointless question. I just don't wanna broke anything. My brother got a buisness and our computer is in here. If i brise anything, im broke..
the computer in ur sig is worth 300 at most. so ur saying that ur brohers entire buisness is on ONE harddrive that IS NOT backed up?? thats probably the funniest thing ive heard all day.

Its not a pointless question. I just don't wanna broke anything. (the word is "break"

i dont get how you cant understand this yourself, AIR + COMPUTER = OK perhaps if u were to hit it with a hammer then that would cause some damage. AIR will NOT ruin your computer unless your totally worthless and get 900 psi air can and spray it right on the vunerable points on a computer (motherboard)... which leads me to say, the only thing you could actually do damage to with air, and only if it was incredably powerful air, is the motherboard, but there is NO WAY you will do ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY damage to ANYTHING in the computer from compressed air from a computer store. enough said im tired of telling u how air cant ruin a compter, go blow off ur computer but if ur THIS worried about it make ur brother do it and if he ruins his buisness cleaning off dust then we can all laugh at how dumb u are for not backing up.
i guess its hard to get through to u, im suprised u managed to sign up for this forum and figure out how to make a sig, you will not break your computer from air. here ill type it so u understand... duh tew mooch air wunt dun broke ur computa
And remember, it can´t be above 900 psi. Another thing, be sure that you take the mobo's battery out before cleaning. Or you just can throw all the fans out, including the heat sink one. This way you wont have dust problems. I'd go this way.
Be carefull with a full can of compressed air, for it is in a liquid state in the can, and if blown whilst can is at an angle, the below freezing refrigerant will stream out and contact components, and that on a hot PC could crack the silicon. Other than that, you should be good to go.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I go away for a couple of days and look what happens! Seriously guys, you can be nicer than that. (Though it is funny all the same.)

Okay, now, as for that pic. Damn dude! I haven't seen that much dust in a long time. Get that can of compressed dry air from a computer shop and blow and blow and blow. When liquid squirts out (no doubt it will because it'll get damn cold before you get rid of all that dust) take a break. Let the can warm back to room temp. Then start again.

Is dust bad for a PC? Imagine wrapping yourself in a nice fluffy wool or cotton blanket. Warm eh? Now imagine throwing sand into a car's transmission. Besides slowing it down, it'll cause some serious wear and tear. That's what dust does to your PC.

And really bad dust can even in rare cases cause conduction between exposed metals. New PCs this doesn't happen with so much, but I've seen where EDO RAM that got dusty stopped working correctly because of dust's conductance. (Luckily cleaning did the trick there.)
i got 4 now i removed 1

PCI - AGP fan: added.
CPU fan: stock
GPU fan: stock.
SPSU: stock.
Big desktop fan: Removed.
Okay, here things are revealed how misleading your 'five fans' are. You've got shat for airflow.

Generally, PSUs aren't that great of an exhaust fan.
PCI fans generally aren't so stunning either. They can help (especially if you've got a hot graphics card), but they're really not all that good for much.

GPU and CPU fans don't even count for determining airflow. They don't suck air into the case (intake). They don't blow air out (exhaust). Their sole purpose is to move air inside of the case around.

So by the sound of it you could benefit from adding a real exhaust fan to that case. If your case has a slot for one, even just an 80mm one, I'd suggest adding it.

But still, the dust dude, the dust. Blow that out first and then report on how things are.
don't forget. you can have 10000000 fans on your compute.r if there is no flowing air over the parts they're useless..

moving air is key

also.... lack of stupidity

but thats another point

if you're scared about the canned air.. you can do this tooo

1. open side of case
2. put face close
3. blow hard
4. continue to blow till dust is gone or you pass out
5. Replace side of case
1. open side of case
2. put face close
3. blow hard
4. continue to blow till dust is gone or you pass out
5. Replace side of case
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't say as I support that since accidental saliva delivery could short something.

But then I'm guilty of having done it myself in the past. :roll:

Of course I'm actually allergic to dust, and wear contact lenses, so you can only imagine how good that was for my health. 😱 I didn't pass out, but I sure was a teary sneezy mess. :lol:
I guess I just live in a weird house....

I've never had to clean out dust like that from a computer.. the most i've had to do is a quick blow and it's clean.

it's either cause i always keep good airflow..

or i'm a neat freak for dust..... one of the two
This was a work PC that I'd (sadly) not cleaned out in four years. 😱 Bad of me, I know. But it had quite the dust collection.

Actually, it also had quite the dead gnat collection. (The gods only know why.) I really had to 'debug' that system. My goldfish loved their dinner that night.
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