Question NorthBridge overheating

Oct 19, 2022
Hi, I have Asus rog g751jy laptop and when I changed the old display with a new one (because the old one didn't show the color red) everything worked perfectly when I tested new display but when I installed it in it's case and I plugged the connector again my laptop didn't start, power light indicator didn't work anymore and Northbridge was overheating. I checked the motherboard and can't see any damage (I even changed the thermal paste after this). Now when I plug my laptop to a power source (even if I don't press the power button) NorthBridge is overheating. I should mention that the laptop won't start at all.
What is the NB's temperature and how you measure it?
After I disconnected everything I checked by hand. I'm not sure about the exact temperature, but it's very hot and like I said before the motherboard has no visible damage. Maybe the mb has some short or nb is just fried, but I don't know what to measure or how to troubleshoot this issue
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After I disconnected everything I checked by hand. I'm not sure about the exact temperature, but it's very hot and like I said before the motherboard has no visible damage. Maybe the mb has some short or nb is just fried, but I don't know what to measure or how to troubleshoot this issue

Does the laptop start if you disconnect the screen and use other video port like HDMI?