So I recently wanted to see what was on my old desktop and couldn't reach windows due to a disk error which I suspected was on the ssd where windows was installed.
I then plugged it into my current pc which resulted in some form of disk check/fix done automatically on launch after posting and after about 1hr I reached windows where I was not able to enter the ssd and it wasn't on Hardware info either.
After restarting and coming back after an hour I am now getting stuck on the screen telling me I can press delete/f2 to enter BIOS and am not able to enter the BIOS. If I disconnect the SATA cable after shutting down and emptying the system of power and rebooting I am able to enter the BIOS and windows without any issues.
Is my ssd dead?
This SSD has windows installed on it and previous to my attempt of turning on my old computer worked fine, which was 3 years ago, to my knowledge the ssd has not been dropped since.
I then plugged it into my current pc which resulted in some form of disk check/fix done automatically on launch after posting and after about 1hr I reached windows where I was not able to enter the ssd and it wasn't on Hardware info either.
After restarting and coming back after an hour I am now getting stuck on the screen telling me I can press delete/f2 to enter BIOS and am not able to enter the BIOS. If I disconnect the SATA cable after shutting down and emptying the system of power and rebooting I am able to enter the BIOS and windows without any issues.
Is my ssd dead?
This SSD has windows installed on it and previous to my attempt of turning on my old computer worked fine, which was 3 years ago, to my knowledge the ssd has not been dropped since.