Ntune Help!


Apr 18, 2008
I've used Riva Tuner for a while and had my 8800 GT at 650,1625,950 for a while and just want to do it in Ntune instead.

This is as far as I understand....

You set your overclock and apply it, save it as a profile, and then set it so when Windows starts the overclock is applied. However it never works.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT:Got it to work with a timer after bootup instead. Any other info on Ntune will be helpful.
Ntune is crap, i only ever use it to configure my multi monitor setup. I'd suggest EVGA Precision.

Any reason you want to use Ntune over Riva Tuner?
Uninstall ntune ASAP! nTune will do nothing but cause you frustration and cause system instability. Use ATItool or Rivatuner to OC your GPU, overclock your CPU and ram from the bios.
evga precision or ati tool FTW guys!! very simple and easy to use, although precision to my knowledge doesnt have an artifact tester whereas ati tool DOES!! rivatuner ftl...