Nvidia CEO: Fermi to Hit the ''Full Stride'' in Q2

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Mar 19, 2009
[citation][nom]jimmysmitty[/nom]Its sad how few people would actually wait. Then if Fermi is that good, they will get sad that they can't fford to or have to pay for a better GPU.[/citation]

Nah, just slap in another 5870 when the prices go down. Also with ATIs new driver team in place and doing their job, Im back with ATI.


Mar 19, 2009
[citation][nom]beayn[/nom]After getting part way through that article and then briefly skimming a few other articles, I've come to the conclusion that this Charlie dude is an ATI fanboi who probably cashes a cheque every month from them. I've never seen anyone have so much hate for a company. It makes everything he says 100% meaningless.[/citation]

Jen-Hsun Huang's actions and comments havent exactly created a feeling of trust toward the GREEN TEAM. I think he should take some of the blame for the mass exodus from Nvidia.


May 22, 2009
[citation][nom]Chris_TC[/nom]Charlie Demerjian? You've got to be kidding me. I had never heard of that guy, but after reading this article which makes him sound like God's gift to engineering and Nvidia like a bunch of brainless morons I typed his name into Google.I suggest you do the same, the guy is a joke.[/citation]

And what if his predictions are true? He's been pretty accurate in his estimations. In a month or so we'll see, don't we.
According to semiaccurate:
"The GTX480 with 512 shaders running at full speed, 600Mhz or 625MHz depending on which source, ran on average 5 percent faster than a Cypress HD5870, plus or minus a little bit. The sources were not allowed to test the GTX470, which is likely an admission that it will be slower than the Cypress HD5870."


Sep 17, 2009
[citation][nom]scrumworks[/nom]And what if his predictions are true? He's been pretty accurate in his estimations. In a month or so we'll see, don't we.[/citation]

It doesn't matter. The two competing companies always go back and forth. ATI had a huge slow period where Nvidia dominated the high end market. I am sure there were doomsday predictions for ATI at the time as well, none of which came true. Even if Nvidia is having problems, they'll make it through it and come out with a card that outperforms ATI and everything will be swapped once again.



Feb 1, 2010
nVidia is in bad shape. I'm still waiting to see when the fermi comes out, I'm contemplating a gaming build now and I hope that it will drive down some prices. If the fermi comes out top dog and beats the ATi's 58xx series then prices should drop for those products but if the fermi isnt as good as the 58xx series, expect either no price change or a skyrocket from the ATI's 58xxs.

Couldn't care less, my disdain for him mainly stems from the comments he made about a man slaughtering his wife and children, something he described as "A happy ending".


Oct 7, 2008
[citation][nom]beayn[/nom]It doesn't matter. The two competing companies always go back and forth. ATI had a huge slow period where Nvidia dominated the high end market. I am sure there were doomsday predictions for ATI at the time as well, none of which came true. Even if Nvidia is having problems, they'll make it through it and come out with a card that outperforms ATI and everything will be swapped once again.[/citation]
You are right, but there's hardly any real parallel between ATI's previous "slow period" and nVidia's current situation, which goes beyond the Fermi issue. You forget that ATI was a focused company while nVidia sort of diversified within the computer world, and right now non of its 'technologies' are really formidable. Can you name me a current nVidia cutting edge chipset? GPU? They don't make CPUs so that's out. Besides their capital and savings, nVidia is not out there producing great things. Yes, it will change, the pendulum of capitalism is clear about that, but right now, people building or rebuilding their PCs have no incentives to build with nVidia chipsets, or GPU. That's the reality.


I tend to believe this article:


It appears that Nvidia made some really stupid mistakes this go 'round, AMD only needs a marginal improvement at best for Northern Islands, and to release them on schedule, and Nvidia is screwed. Nvidia has nothing to improve but their manufacturing process and bug fixes, unless they just scrap Fermi altogether and start over(like, as in, Intel scrapping P4 and basing Pentium-M/Core2 on Pentium III).


Aug 7, 2009
i just wish ati realease a 5830 or the price drops of a 5850! becuase most of the people wishing to upgrade are for the 5850's. it is rumored though that they will have something like 786shaders, a japanese site said, cant have the link. and will also release all the low-mid-high at the same time.also are waiting for ati to release something special so that they can counter attack them...


Jan 28, 2006
[citation][nom]nforce4max[/nom]The 40nm process has turned out be one of the worst headaches for nvidia while constant supply problems for the 58x0 as well the 5970 continue. It is a shame that they had to give up the side port feature on the R870 to keep the die size down.[/citation]

The 40nm process is a nightmare all around for both companies neither one can keep up with demand right now.


Apr 14, 2009
Nvidia will still continue to sell despite lower perfomance. I know of many gamers who prefer Nvidia because they feel comfortable with the brand, I try to talk them out of it but they still choose Nvidia. :)


Apr 12, 2009
In the same sense bands (by contract) hold off releasing sound tracks till movies are released, I wonder what gaming companies are suffering from this Fermi delay?


Oct 13, 2006
[citation][nom]mousemonkey[/nom]Oh really? Some people would disagree with that to the extent that they have catalogued some failings.[/citation]
A nice idea, but the first page is just this guy yelling that Charlie is a douche for calling Fermis problems back in Oct. Looks like he was right again to me.


Feb 25, 2008
If its not ready by the time i9 is out I'll probably pull the trigger and go with 5870. My system is hurting, duo 3.4ghz and 8800gts.

Read the second, third or all of it and follow the links which, unlike Charlie's, don't go to his own blog but to the articles in question all over the web and back in time. It's not just about Fermi.


Nov 23, 2008
If this Charlie fellow is correct about Nvidias Whatamacallit, then nvidia is in trouble. Their history on GPU design doesn't show much in derivatives.

GF4 = GF3 and GF2 based tech. The TIs rocked, the MX were re-badged cheaper GF2s. (mixed DX standards)
Nvidia did well with their GF5~7 in terms of tech.
The excellent design of the G92B and its sisters has allowed invidia to re-badge a product more than ever and has gotten old. The GT 210/310 is the worst joke of course.

The info about whatamacallit seems consistent with the past designs. Bigger and bigger dies. Was the GTX 2xx really a new-amazing thing? Still a DX10 part. And yes, the supplies of the GTX cards are starting to thin. Then again, how many people would really spend almost $400 for a GTX 285 that is easily slower than the $300 5850?

The G-whatamacallit will be sold at a loss... how much, who knows. If the card costs $600 to make and the manufactures and resellers *DO* need to make some money... it could easily be a $700~800 card. Unless Nvidia takes a $200~300 hit per GPU sold.

ATI has higher yields, smaller GPUs and can easily lower the price of the cards in the comming months. This is what intel did to AMD with the launch of Core2 and it tooks AMD over 2 years to recover. If the 5830 sells for $200 or so, it'll be the card that will dominate. That article is quite good and if its true, the G-whatamacallit will be a failure along with nVidia's bump defects that has effected millions of users with useless notebooks.

Nvidia is rightfully AIMING their high-end products for super-computers. With PC gaming dying-forever with so few TOP end titles (Alan Wake, Gears of War2, HALO3 anyone?), who needs a $500 or even a $200 3D gaming card? ATI is AMD who sells CPUs and soon CPU+GPU hyybrids as well as chipsets and other products. (They should jump into the SSD market too) What does nvidia have? Gaming chips pretty much.

But in the serious computer business, a super hot expensive CPU is going to hurt nvidia.

Lets hope than nvidia can pull this off, that G-whatamacallit can be scaled down to a $100 DX11 product. But I'm not seeing it. The GTX-2xx cards will soon be gone. Nvidia will continue to make variants of the G92 with whatever new names they can come up with to sell to the masses. But how long can that last? They come out with a "GT 320" that is a re-named GTS-250 and sell that DX10 card for $50? When ATI may have a 6650 DX11 card for about the same price. (Speaking near future)

Who knows exactly what will happen in the next year or so, but nvidia has to craw its way up. Otherwise the next Xbox, PS4 and Nintendo will all be using ATI.


Jul 7, 2004
I foresee the same thing happening last time Nvidia launched their new cards. ATI will reduce their prices. I have the money in hand and ready to buy. I want to see some solid benchmarks from the Fermi cards before I decide what to purchase.


Nov 23, 2008
As of this moment in rumors.

The GTX 480 is performing about 5% faster than the standard 5870 with real-world games. Leaving plenty of room for ATI to continue to improve drivers and come out with the 5890 and reduce the price of their hardware.

There is a good chance that the GF-480 will simply sell for $400, a complete loss to nVidia. Unlike SONY & MS selling consoles at a loss where they make money selling games. nVidia won't recoup the costs... which could be $200~400 per chip. That is bad business. If they sold 10,000 cards with $300 loss each = $3,000,000 million gone so 10,000 users would by the GF-480. If the sold the card at $700, they would break even... except only the most rapid fanboy would spend $700 to get such "fast" card, in which case maybe a thousand or so cards will sell.

So lame to have the letters after the model number, so stupid to have letters when there will be no such thing as a G 480 and GTX 480.

I vote to refer to future Nvidia products like the old days. "GF-5600" So simply call them GF480 and GF470. Rather than "GeForce GTX 480"



Jan 11, 2008
With the cost of manufacture for nVidia to make these fermi chips I'm going to guess their launch will be the top end super expensive card for consumers (I don't think they'll even attempt to release anything mainstream priced), then a slew of business class (quadro, tesla) cards to round it out since these cards demand a steep premium cost... At least until they can streamline the manufacturing process and make it more economical.

Right now I cant see nVidia being able to compete price wise in the mainstream with Fermi (5750 to 5850 range) at all.
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