axlrose :
Well if that is the case, I'm still green team then. I want a single gpu that will run 4k as well as possible. I haven't looked into red team much, but if the 490 is only supposed to be at the 1070 level, that helps me out.
I just assumed it would be similar to the last couple generations.
AMD's x80 competes with Nvidia's x60
AMD's x90 competes with Nvidia's x70
AMD's x90X competes with Nvidia's x80
We have already seen this to be true at least for the RX 480 and GTX 1060. I think it will be the same for the RX 490 and GTX 1070 and they will probably need a RX 490X or Fury replacement to compete with the GTX 1080.
I think it would be very surprising to see a RX 490 compete with a GTX 1080. If it does AMD will have a pretty massive performance gap in their lineup with nothing between GTX 1060 and GTX 1080 performance.
Also pricing would be weird. If the RX 490 was on a similar performance level to the GTX 1080 they would also want to charge something close to the $600-$650 that most 1080s go for. That would mean they have a $400 gap between RX 480 and RX 490 pricing.
When you look at all that it makes much more sense that the 490 will compete with the 1070 in both price and performance. That being said, if they could release something with 1080 performance at 1070 prices they would make a ton of people very happy.