Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Pascal Review

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Seriously I have to ask, did nvidia instruct every single reviewer to bench the 1080 against stock maxwell cards? Cause i'd like to see real world scenarios with an OCed 980Ti, because nobody runs stock or even buys stock, if you can even buy stock 980Tis.

It´s called a "apples-to-apples" comparison. Stock 1080´s are the only available Pascal based cards so they should be compared to stock Maxwell. When custom factory OC´ed 1080´s are available I´m sure you´ll find plenty of benchs putting them side by side.

Nvidia : My card, my rules
It's disappointing to see nVidia and paid press PR insinuating that the 1080 and 1070 do true asyncronous computing. All one needs to do is have a look at the architecture of the cards to see there are no ACE's incorporated. Pascal, like Maxwell, and other previous generation nVidia cards, use preemption. For nVidia to incorporate ACE's they'd have had to radically change the architecture their engineers have come to rely on.

Faster clock rates and other benefits brought about by 16nm Fin fet design no doubt do much to shorten the gap between the preemption that nVidia uses and ACE's that AMD cards use. However, it's less than honorable (though not surprising whatsoever) of nVidia to practically lie in regards to this issue just before their new cards are to be released...
I am already using the Titan, so I am going to wait and see if the 1080 Ti is worth upgrading to, but at this point there is no real value/performance increase.

I'm cool with waiting. My 980 ti is not going to become complete garbage in two years.

I wouldn't bet money on that lol. The 680 can't even reliably beat the 270X anymore (An overclocked 7870), 780 Ti is close to a 280X, and the 980 Ti already gets hammered when true DX12 is turned on (And that is what all games will be using by the end of the year).

doesn't matter what card beats what, do they still play the games at a reasonable clip? Yes they do. The 680 came out 4 years ago, not 2. By years end not all games will be dx12, that's just stupid. There are plenty of dx games still coming out. Hell the latest borderlands game from like a year ago is still dx9. I think i'll be fine until 1180ti comes out.
Ultimately it's all how the card performs overall vs. the price (and power draw, in some circumstances). They're each going to have their strengths and weaknesses, and paying attention to hype/marketing seems pointless. You can't buy it until it's out, and once it's out you can see benchmarks and decide if the value is there. Async, clock speed, IPC, etc. don't matter as much as the performance they give you when they come together.

Marketers gonna market.
Great article Chris and Igor ... really comprehensive.

Loved the IR pictures ... this tells a lot.

Would be good to see this done on some of the other cards as a distinct article on its own ... where are the hot spots on all of the last and current gen cards.
Maxwell (e.g. 980, 980 Ti) can already do multi res shading (already in unreal 4.11) and simultaneous multi projection:


Apparently nobody bothered to use or implement it yet.

If Nvidia does not use some extra driver restriction simultaneous multi projection should work fine on Maxwell, too.

Everybody with a Maxwell GPU already paid for the features and delivery is late, it seems.

Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4jrcmq/pascals_simultaneous_multiprojection_is_hardware/

Also: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-announces-gameworksvr-release-geforce-gtx-980-ti/ :
"NVIDIA Multi-Res Shading (MRS) – An innovative new rendering technique for VR. With NVIDIA MRS, each part of an image is rendered at a resolution that better matches the pixel density of the final displayed VR image. This technology uses the multi-projection architecture of the GeForce GTX 980 Ti GPU to render multiple viewports in a single pass. The result: substantial performance improvements for VR games.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-announces-gameworksvr-release-geforce-gtx-980-ti/#ixzz49zTdfpEI

Also: https://youtu.be/IYen7OC2NTM?t=4m48s

Also: http://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/events/GDC15/GEFORCE/Maxwell_Archictecture_GDC15.pdf
I am really dissapointed at the cost of GTX 1080. Why does it costs 900$ in amazon for founder's edition? Didn't they said that the cost around 699$ ? Will there be any price drops?

Amazon right now seems to be selling scalped cards (remember that a lot of Amazon purchases aren't fulfilled by Amazon but by third party merchants). Other than that, it's going to be hard to find for a few weeks. Newegg and Microcenter were both selling the founders for $699 USD but they're out of stock.
The custom cards are cheaper. Nvidia is actually trying to give a boost to their board partners and encourage people to buy their custom models. Pascal has a lot more potential once you start to open up some of the limits imposed by the reference/Founder's Edition. Lower prices and higher performance are going to be a bonanza for the AIB partners. They're going to sell more cards at higher prices than they would if the reference card was $599.
The very idea of blower cooling design was to provide better air circulation for multi-GPU scenario. In this case, perhaps the reference design still preferable. Considering.

Many 3rd party already release their own versions of custom for nearly every aspect of what we would expect, though apparently afaik none of them tinker with memory bandwith. And I don't think they're even done yet, many more variants will come. Performance wise, any of which you look at, looks much promising than reference design. All of them did released or announced to be release at much cheaper price than reference. At least a dozen well-made versions nearly at $50-70 gap cheaper than reference. But none actually at $599 yet. Also none are blower design. Or perhaps I missed something.

Personally, I really like at one particular version that Zotac did, their cheapest ones. Bare necessities, aggressive pricing, decent cooling design and factory OC, albeit not a good looker. If they did the same thing for the 1070 and price it even more aggressively plus AMD fails to deliver, will seriously consider it.
For those that argue about upgrade from 980Ti, Its hardly ever "Worth the money" to upgrade from only 1 generation behind. Thats for enthusiasts that have a big wallet.

However, the tech upgrade in Pascal is still pretty large upgrade from Maxwell. The only problem is, Not all have converted to 4K gaming yet, and VR games havn't even kicked off yet, its still only in its very beginning with only a very few titles worth looking at.

But for those of us that is some tech generations behind, the 1070 segment might be interesting upgrade path to be able to try out newer game titles.

Personly with my 3770k and an older GTX 660Ti I'm looking forward to maybe upgrading to a 1070 when some custom designed cards begin to show up.
1070 might also become very interesting for those wanting to do sli, as a custom OC'ed 1070 in sli would still kick a 980 Titan X both performance and price wise.
Where can I find out how you test cards? I want to see if it is explained how you offset the fraps overhead. Does it mean that the cards woud perform even better? Also, in reply to the OC'ing a maxwell card, I believe that oc'n would provide maybe another 10-15 fps increase, maybe. Many of us would want to get more tim e out of the sizeable investment than chancing reducing lifespan for such a relativly small increase when weighed against the already large measureable increase by the new gpu alone.

Just wait until the aftermarket "suppliers" do their mods; cooling solutions, hardware, packaging, etc... You'll be looking at possibly 700 quid at launch for those!

Please ask the US guys for more translations of my single card reviews. All contains IR, power consumption and noise. :)
But you can google it, the combination of my name and surname is absolute unique in Google 😀


ebuyer has a Zotac and EVGA for approx. 580 quid, but if they sell like hot cakes I doubt they'll stay that low for long.
It's wiser to wait for AMD counterparts before making decision. Just a month. Better wait a bit more than sorry. Then we can see which one better, and pick the better suited card.

Yup, even if that's merely a means to try and get the NVIDIA option for a lower price than they're available for atm.

If AMD really wants to win back market share, they need more reliable drivers, that's just as important for me as performance, cost, power and noise.
Something wrong with your bf4 benchmarks lol. You have the titan x at 42.1 fps lolol that's so wrong. I have a titan x and on bf4 at 4k maxed out I'm getting around 70-80fps also if I oc my titan x I'm getting way over 100fps. And that's with an i5 and 16gb ram . never believe online bench marks I'm yet to see a titan x benchmark that's true most are nearly 50% lower than what I actually get with mine.
All sorts of things wrong with this claim. First, you claim to get significantly higher performance than reported from four different reviews. Yet you claim all the others are outliers? I find that exceedingly unlikely. Also, if you're advising everyone to never believe an online review, why should they then believe an online comment on that review?

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