@dreamphantom: GPU PysX will never be more than a cheap gimmick used as an after thought for at least 2 reasons.
1) A game developer will never alienate the ATI gaming sector
2) The gpu is usually the bottleneck in the system(EDIT: for gaming), there is no reason to make it do more calculations for a scene, the api works fine on cpu's, only the games where the devs didn't care (Batman AA) it doesn't use more than 1 core for the PhysX
FPS is not what it is all about, WTF are you smoking, this is a video card for gaming, that is all that matters in this realm
and the GTX480 and the 5970 are pretty fair to compare for anyone who disagrees with the 2 gpus vs 1, look at the power consumption there are pretty close for comparison
as for this BS that NV says they are supposed to run hot, just an excuse so if it ruins something else in your computer (say the cpu or motherboard), its not there fault
EDIT: and tessellation, really, by the time a game comes out that fully tessellates enough surfaces for this to matter and not just a few, it would cripple both cards as well