Review Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Review: A Costly 70-Class GPU

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Our GeForce RTX 4070 Ti testing reveals good performance and efficiency, but this is a large jump in generational pricing that will displease many gamers. It's barely faster than the previous generation RTX 3080 Ti and 3080 12GB, at a relatively similar price, with DLSS 3 being the potential grace.

Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Review: A Costly 70-Class GPU : Read more

I really do feel Toms', Anand and all the other highly regarded tech sites have an obligation to express how stupid these prices are. Sure, we the customers have to use our voice by not buying, but you Sirs should be witing in every review how wrong all these new price points are. Newcomers cannot be led to believe that it is ok for a x70 series to cost 700 bucks. No freaking way.
The price is Not almost palatable, stop trying to sell this nonsense
Do you not know what "almost" means? And while some would take "palatable" to mean really tasty, that's not the way I normally use it. I use it more as "acceptable but not awesome." I wouldn't call an excellent dinner "palatable," I'd say it was delicious or some other word that means I really like it. Taco Bell is palatable, for example. So is Wendy's. But neither is great, just like an $800 replacement that's only moderately faster than the outgoing $800 cards.
I really do feel Toms', Anand and all the other highly regarded tech sites have an obligation to express how stupid these prices are. Sure, we the customers have to use our voice by not buying, but you Sirs should be witing in every review how wrong all these new price points are. Newcomers cannot be led to believe that it is ok for a x70 series to cost 700 bucks. No freaking way.
They're only "wrong" when everyone refuses to pay them. Unfortunately, we're being shown time and time again that there are apparently enough people willing to spend $800 for this level of performance that we'll continue to see them. As stated in the conclusion, if Nvidia had tried to sell this as a $600 card, or a $500 card, and then scalpers just snapped them all up and asked for $800 or more, we'd be right back where we started. Except then we'd have scalpers contributing nothing and taking a chunk of the profits.

So yeah, don't buy a $800 card if you don't want to spend that much. Wait for prices to come down, or go with a cheaper and slower alternative. But if others keep paying a lot more than you're willing to pay, nothing is going to change.
Hmmm, appreciate the review Jared, yet I gotta object to your "almost" endearing tone and conclusion. Also, you insist that this is an $800 card, yet the TUF gaming you reviewed here reportedly costs $850.
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"Portal RTX at 24 fps on a 4090 gets 42 fps with Frame Generation enabled, but without upscaling, but it still feels like 24 fps. That's because the user input is still running at 24 fps."

Wow really? Never knew this, interesting tidbit.
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Thanks for the review!

This is a big can of "meh; pass". Much like with the 7900XT. Ironically, the 7900XTX made the 4080-16GB look better and now nVidia returning the hand, making the 7900XT less stupid. They're still both in stupid territory, though.

I mostly agree with everything, so nothing more to add, really. Maybe just the mention this card won't have an FE (as I've read and heard), so the first batch of $800 cards will last whatever the AIBs want them to be on shelves. Which, I'm sure, won't be long. This card will be over $850 for sure.

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I really do feel Toms', Anand and all the other highly regarded tech sites have an obligation to express how stupid these prices are. Sure, we the customers have to use our voice by not buying, but you Sirs should be witing in every review how wrong all these new price points are. Newcomers cannot be led to believe that it is ok for a x70 series to cost 700 bucks. No freaking way.

He did say it. In the title.

Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Review: A Costly 70-Class GPU
Open up your wallet and say ouch

He said it professionally, many times through out his review. I am going to assume you didn't read the whole review, so maybe you should, its there.

These cards are palatable, because most plebs pay for them. As long as everyone keeps paying these prices, Nvidia is going to keep charging them. If you all want gpu prices lower, skip a gen or two, speak with your money, not your mouth.
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Seems a bit weak-ish for 4K gaming, and there are cheaper GPUs, which work fine for 1440p gaming. It still has quite some performance, and the 4K FPS are not bad as such. The numbers just don't convince me that it wouldn't drop below 60 (real) FPS at 4K with the next round of game releases, so I wouldn't pick it up for 4K at that price.

And scalpers sure may be an issue, but if the RTX 4070 Ti is meant as "the entry-level GPU for 4K gaming, or for top 1440p gaming", then it wouldn't necessarily be a miscalculation if it would be produced in higher numbers, so that scalpers would have a garage full of them while they still would be in-stock at the retailers.
While prices are not nice right now for most products gpu performance is better than last gen at every price point. People are still hung up on what a GPU is called.
Inflation is a thing. Companies don't like uncertain times. Prices usually go up for luxury items. GPUs at higher end are luxury. Share holders want to play it safe with their investments.
Aside from that Nvidia has showed it is not simply greedy.
Look at GTX 1080ti. Super series on 2000 and RTX 3080.
Obviously, if it can make adjustments to satisfy us gamers it will. But that takes time.
Also, if they or AMD has to still clear stock then that's a thing.
All the complaining is useless. Go buy a last gen GPU and have a great game experience.
2 times now NVIDIA has highlighted their 3000 series at launch events for 4000 series cards.
Wouldn't you think that means something? That is really unprecedented.
Inflation is a thing. Companies don't like uncertain times. Prices usually go up for luxury items. GPUs at higher end are luxury...

So the 70-class is the high-end "luxury" GPU now? Good to know.

By the way, here are some launch dates and price points for the previous xx70 products:
  • Nvidia 1070: June 2016, $379 MSRP. Adjusted for inflation: ~$470.
  • Nvidia 2070: October 2018, $499 MSRP. Adjusted for inflation: ~$591
  • Nvidia 3070: October 2020, $499 MSRP. Adjusted for inflation: ~$574

Another thing worth noticing, from Tom's reviews of both (9 Game 4K Average, Ultra):
  • Nvidia 4070 "TI": 25% weaker than 4080 .
  • Nvidia 3070: 26% weaker than 3080.
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This is NOT an $800 card. It is a $300 card with a gigantic heatsink and an enormous profit margin. It is also a "whales only" card, as the norm is still in the 1660-3060 range ($300-400) range. This is what game writers tune their games to, where they sell the most. I'm not buying into the 40 series super-hype-stupider-prices. Forget it. Nvidia can bite me.
Why give 4070 Ti 3.5 stars of 5? Pcworld was more spot on with 2 out of 5 stars. Castrated mem bus and overpriced by hundreds of dollars. Weird that Tomshardware give cons less impact for the review score.
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Am I just having a weird day, or is there a really wide variance between reviews for this? Like much more than I see for other GPUs. In particular, I've been looking at the comparison between the OG 3080 and the 4070 Ti across 5 or 6 different reviews, and I've seen aggregates of 7% better than the 3080, 15% better, and 25% better.
Even from game to game, it feels like the difference between a 3080 and 4070 Ti varies more than usual(?) Like anywhere from a 5-25% performance increase, even in games that aren't CPU-bound. I dunno. I'm having a weird morning, so maybe I'm just seeing/thinking differently than I normally do.

In any case, thanks for the review, Jarred. This has been the most in-depth review I've seen today, which I really appreciate. It's giving me a bit of a different perspective from the other reviews, which is exactly what I want to see. Awesome work with all the benchmarks and analyses!
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Why does it feel like a scam for GPU reviews to always run 'Ultra' Settings instead of 'High' settings? Having games default to Ultra is a GPU tech bro conspiracy for them to be able to afford their high end leather jackets.

Running the tests on a $500 CPU with $300 MB, $300 RAM, and $1500 monitor and then complaining the GPU costs $800?? does not compute...

Meanwhile most mainstream gamers are going to be fine on cheaper 1440p monitors and existing $400 price point GPUs.
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Doesn't matter, it's still gonna sell.
The already luxury entertainment, PC only/focused gaming becoming even more luxury entertainment. For any other sector, has anything really changed?

All these 'vote with your wallet' comments: Telling others how to spend their money doesn't work. History is showing that.
Why does it feel like a scam for GPU reviews to always run 'Ultra' Settings instead of 'High' settings? Having games default to Ultra is a GPU tech bro conspiracy for them to be able to afford their high end leather jackets.

Running the tests on a $500 CPU with $300 MB, $300 RAM, and $1500 monitor and then complaining the GPU costs $800?? does not compute...

Meanwhile most mainstream gamers are going to be fine on cheaper 1440p monitors and existing $400 price point GPUs.
I think the point of a review of new hardware is to see what its capable of...
I think the point of a review of new hardware is to see what its capable of...
Ultra doesn't do much for visual quality and slows down the FPS.

If people knock this default setting down, they're going to have much better experiences. It's somewhat amusing when I see 3060ti users can enjoy the heck out of a game, then a guy with a 4090 posts about his fury that he cant enjoy the same game because it won run 144hz at 4k with ultra RTX on.

This 4070ti looks like its at the low end borderline where you can start to push over 60fps at 4k (with 'high', not in 'ultra', and def not with RTX) and the requisite supporting components (high end CPU & 4k 144+hz monitor) to support that performance costs a whole lot more than what you need to accompany a cheap 3060ti paired with a 1440 60-144hz monitor
Since almost no one can afford these things, and the 1050Ti, 1060 and 1650 are still the most used GPU on Steam, this gen's GPU are pointless, since no developer is going to target 1% of the GPU market.

If Nvidia and AMD want to keep making unaffordable products for the 1%, that's fine, don't expect developers to care about these GPU at all.
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Ultra doesn't do much for visual quality and slows down the FPS.

If people knock this default setting down, they're going to have much better experiences. It's somewhat amusing when I see 3060ti users can enjoy the heck out of a game, then a guy with a 4090 posts about his fury that he cant enjoy the same game because it won run 144hz at 4k with ultra RTX on.
With a higher price comes higher expectations. It's really not that much different with the Apple crowd. They pay more, they expect unrealistic results from mass produced products.
Nvidia has increased the price, because they saw a market for it. Why ? because people bought scalped 3060 at 1000$ during the pandemic

it's just the same as concert tickets. they were afordable before scalpers kicked in. Producers saw the market and decided to directly sell at the scalped prices. Thats why 300$ is now the norm. where the same ticket 10-15y ago would be 30-60$
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