Nvidia GTX 295 Question


Aug 13, 2009
I recently decided to upgrade my graphics card from a 9600 GT to a GTX 295. I was anticipating the improvements to be much higher than they were.

9600 GT - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150397
GTX 295 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814143192

I am wondering if it is just something in my system that is not allowing me to get much higher fps in games such as crysis which i was only able to get 40fps on medium settings.

System Specs:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ (3.1 ghz)
4.0gb Ram
Running Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit
750w Corsair power supply

Is there something wrong with my system or am I just being picky? I mean going from a $90 to $500 graphics card should make a vast improvement right?

The main game I play, TF2 was getting like 40-70 fps on high, with only 2x AA at 1680x1050. I got that with my old graphics card, I am tempted to return this one. But maybe there is a quick fix that I am not aware of?
Since you just spent a lot on the GTX 295 I feel bad telling you, you need a new system but you do, if your mobo supports it get a phenom II, if not then you should get an I7 or a whole new phenom II AMD setup, or wait until intels new CPU's come out (a month maybe)


May 9, 2009
Yeah, your CPU (and maybe your ram or HD can't tell),
YOu need to upgrade, if you want to max out that gtx 295 (the best card out there at the moment)

I have a X2 5000+ @ 3.2 with a 9800GTX+ and 2gb ddr2 @ 980 and I get about 40fps on medium settings.


May 9, 2009
Since you just spent a lot on the GTX 295 I feel bad telling you, you need a new system but you do, if your mobo supports it get a phenom II, if not then you should get an I7 or a whole new phenom II AMD setup, or wait until intels new CPU's come out (a month maybe)


May 9, 2009

Well you might not need a new Mobo, depends on what you have and whether you want to sli or not (probably don't need to yet)

As for damaging the graphics card, no, the only thing that could really do that would be the psu, and your's seams pretty nice (corsair is a good brand)

And if your PSU has or more than 46 amps on the 12v rail you should be just fine with it even after the upgrade, (if it doesn't no need to worry know, the 295 will just lower it's performance to meet the power, but you'll need one in the future, but i'm almost positive it has that or close to it)

if your motherboard supports the phenom II's then I would reccomend a 940 or 955 phenom II and oc'ing it. If you don't want to overclock then get the brand new 965 (if your motherboard can support a 140 watt processor)

whats your mobo, then we can help you more.


May 9, 2009
Okay so you can keep the OS, HD and optical drive (though if you want optimal performance I would recommend upgrading the HD)

What You need new are CPU, motherboard.
I would also get new ram that would best compliment your new CPU/MObo setup, but it isn't a must.

I don't know your budget but if I were You i'd wait a few weeks (i think thats what it is) and see what the new intel line has to offer. if you don't care or need it now Go for an I7 setup, heres a good one

And then some triple channel ddr3 of your liking.

You might also want to get a new case?

Anyways I suggest you move this thread into general homebuilt systems (just start a new post with your problem and link to this one) now that we've discovered your problem. that way you can get the best help in this area, with multiple opinions.

just a quick question though, do you have a budget? and what is this system going to be used for?


Aug 13, 2009
I am a college student but my dad went out on a whim and decided to help me pay for it. Would I be better off returning the video card and getting a new processor, case and mobo?


May 9, 2009
In short yes, if you still can. That would give you a lot of cash to buy a CPU and Mobo and maybe even some memory. What are you using it for?

edit: get a new lower end GPU also, the 9600gt is outdated and will bottleneck a new cpu

and I still recommend moving the thread.


Mar 30, 2007

Returning the video card and upgrading the cpu and motherboard will Not give you better fps in games. You need a fast cpu And good video card to see improvement. So, either keep the new video card and upgrade the cpu, or just return the card.


IMHO you should not return the video card.You have got the Best Damn Thing!
Just upgrade the CPU whenever you get the chance.For now your curren setup is okay.
Changing the CPu and Lower End Video card will boost the performance but not tat much.

Just OC the processor for now.


Dec 6, 2007
Before you throw out your system can you state the method you used to install the new card? For gaming that CPU is not that bad. What kind of score do you get on 3Dmark06? A 6000+ and an 5000+ both running at 3.1-2GHZ are pretty much the same cpu. What did you get for a 3Dmark score with the old card and what did you get with the new card? I'm just guessing but maybe a 2500 point difference? If you want a new system great go for it, or do you want to squeeze the current for everything it's got? By the way if you purchase a new system retail you will probably be disappointed. Most pre-built retail systems have motherboards with very little adjustment so the cpu will be stuck at its stock freq. I'm talking about a HP or Dell type of system. Try reinstalling the drivers again after doing a cleanup with driver cleaner and contact the support for the GPU.


May 9, 2009

True, but for him to actually use that gtx 295 he'll need to spend at another 500 on ram, cpu, mobo. It would be better to return the card for a lower card (gtx275 or 4890) and then still have some cash to put towards a new system. Thats what I meant by new system, new mobo, cpu etc, and a new card that will compliment it i think that will give him the best value. since it sounds like he does have a budget.

Yes the best option would be to keep the card, and upgrade the stuff too it, but that would cost a lot of money


May 9, 2009

I talked to him last night and he said his dad helped him get the stuff, so I don't know how much money he can spend on an upgrade.

As for which CPU and GPU combo it does depend on his budget, if He wants to keep the gtx 295 and spend another 500 i would say i7,
if he wants to return it, i would say 4890 and Phenom II (940,955,or 965, depending on whether he wants to overclock at all)

Or wait until the new intel cpu series and video sereis come out (cpu's are supposed to be soon?)

But to make this descion he needs to give us some budget info.