Nvidia GTX 660 Jerky Video Quality


Jan 25, 2013
Hello, I have a custom built machine with Win 64 and Nvidia GTX 660. All my video is jerky on occasion. Games (Star Wars, Guild Wars, WoW), Hulu and Youtube. Not only is the video jerky, but the sound sputters. I've updated my driver and installed a different anti-virus software on the advice of my technical person. He is out sick for 10 days, what else can I try?

if it newly built check the mb vendor web page see that you have the bios updates for the mb. maske sure you install the newest intel chipset drivers if it an intel mb or amd if it an amd chipset. not having the right chipset drivers cause issues.
with hulu and youtube make sure java and flash and adobe air are installed and updated. (some you tube video is compressed you may be missing plug ins for mp4.). if your mb has intel ethernet chipset on the mb it a know issue that some of the intel software cause slow downloads. have to turn off or uninstall the added intel software. if not intel makesure your using the newest ethernet or wifi drivers. for the games make sure directx x is installed.


Jan 25, 2013

I have an MSI motherboard and a utility for updates. I ran that and it didn't make a difference. I spent 2300 on this machine for gaming purposes and it's extremely disappointing. My tech guy is doing better. He is going to come out and pick up the machine and play his games on it. I'm not sure what else it could be. He thought maybe I need two video cards. My friend has a 500 dollar laptop and cheap video card. Her quality is poor but her performance on video is better. It doesn't jerky around and sputter. So why would I need two video cards?

I'm thinking if this doesn't work, I'll give the computer away and buy an Alienware for $1400. It will have 2 year service and about the same specs. No blu-ray or MS Word though. But that still wouldn't have cost me $2300. I think I got robbed on this deal. What do you think?
start with the mb bios. dont trust aftermarket software to tell you everything is fine. all you have to do is read the bios rev on the first page of the efi bios. then see if there any updates to the bios on the mb web page. in the bios make sure the sata ports are set to achi mode not ide and that the drives are on the intel/amd ports. in the bios make sure dram xmp profile is turned on. if not most 1600 or faster ram going to run at 1333 speed. check that the video card is in the top video slot next to the cpu. that the first 16x port on most mb. use gpu-zx and read that the cpu and mb running at 16x mode.
on the mb driver disk is software called lucent virtu mvp. check that this is not installed. if they did then your fast gpu and the onboard ipgpu are being bound together to make the games run faster. this software is know to be buggy.
make sure you installed the newest chipset drivers for the mb and direct x june update. there are known missing files from the last april update. in the nvidia control panel if your using one monitor. turn off muilt monitor and power savings on the card.


Jan 25, 2013
Thanks for the input. The guy who built the machine took it back for diagnosis and found that the wirless card wasn't working properly. I've upgraded to a Cisco card. He's testing again. Hopefully, that does the trick.


Jan 25, 2013
Well that helped but I still have problems. I did have poor internet speed. I upgraded my cable modem. The video issue isn't as bad. It's the sound problem now mainly. And it's not just over the internet. It's in iTunes while I'm listening to my library. Maybe this was a multitude of problems. Bad internet, wireless card and now sound card. I'm over this technician. I don't care that he built my machine. He talks down to me like I'm an idiot. I wrote him an email and asked for all my warranty stuff. I'm taking the machine to a new technician. He didn't give me my Windows disc. So I asked for that too.

But I still don't understand what would cause video/audio problems in games and audio problems in iTunes. I'm never having a custom built machine again. I will write about this guy and recommend against him. This is sad. I could have had a working system for half the price from Dell.


Sep 21, 2012

Dells isnt worth it for gaming man and prebuilts in my opinion is meh they skimp on the psu and add bullshit ass gpus in there n they upgrade path is VERY limited. Keep working out the problem it can be fixed man


Jan 25, 2013
Thanks for the feedback. I just found out that the sound card is part of the mother board, which is MSI. It's under warranty. So I'm hoping if it needs to be replaced, all I have to pay for is labor. My friend recommended just taking it to Geek Squad instead of finding another technician. You never know what you'll get. I thought about going to Angie's List and looking at reviews. But that's more money I'm sinking into this pit hole.

I asked for my Win 64 disc and he replied that it was OEM software and that was it. So I said I'm SOL then. Then he said No. I'll burn you a copy. He's a difficult man. Why didn't he say that to begin with. See what I have to work with.

What would be better? Finding another technician or going to Geek Squad?